"Do you think we're gonna get adopted?"

522 25 45

Tw: swearing, yelling

Tommy POV:

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo do do do do

I groaned and turned off my Able Sisters alarm. Another day I'm reminded I won't be adopted for a while. Another day I'm reminded I'll be in this hell of an orphanage for a while.

I begrudgingly got up and went to my closet to change into my uniform. Once I'm done I go to Tubbo's room to wake him. I'm basically Tubbo's alarm since he doesn't have one.

"Tubbo" I softly shake him "it's time to get up"

He groans in response "Five more minutes" he mumbles with his face stuffed in his pillow.

"No Tubbo, I'm sorry but she's gonna get mad at us." Tubbo instantly shot up from his previous sleeping position and looked at me with tired, apologetic eyes.

"Right, sorry" he said getting up from his bed and heading to his closet.

"It's okay, I'm just gonna go get ready."

I left the room and went into mine which was luckily right across from Tubbo's. I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I go back to Tubbo's room to see him already ready and sitting on his bed. As if on cue we heard yelling from downstairs.

"COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST YOU LITTLE SHITS" Me and Tubbo wasted no time and started to run downstairs, fearing we were gonna be late. Just as we were about to round the corner we stopped running as to not get in trouble.

"Wow, you boys aren't late for once." Karen said in an amused yet stern tone "Get in your assigned seats." She snapped.

Me and Tubbo quickly sat down in our seats. Tubbo began to eat while I could barely even look at my food. Karen noticed this almost immediately.

"Tom, eat now." I just looked at her. "Or you can starve, I don't care either way." Obviously she thought this was going to get me to eat so when I continued to just stare at her she got pretty pissed off and just left the room. Whatever, better for us. When she left Tubbo looked over at me.

"Tommy, why aren't you eating? Do you feel sick?" I didn't want to worry Tubbo so I shook my head and began to take little bites of my cereal. He nodded his head at me and resumed eating.

When Tubbo went to the bathroom I poured my food out in the trashcan and put my bowl in the sink. I sat back down and waited for us to be dismissed from the table.

A little while later Tubbo got back and finished eating. About ten minutes later a nice looking lady came and told us that we we're allowed to go so me and Tubbo both went to his room. After a few minutes of just talking Karen bust the door open.

"Listen up you little shits, some people are coming today to adopt one or more of the kids." Me and Tubbo gasped "don't get your hopes up though, its not like anyone would wanna adopt either of you anyways. Just make sure you're on your best behavior or you're gonna regret it."

And with that she slammed the door shut and left. Me and Tubbo just looked at each other speechless.

(A/N I dont know how orphanages work so just bear with me hdhdsgdghd)

"Do you think we're gonna get adopted?" Tubbo questioned excitedly. To be honest, I didn't at all. Well actually, that was a lie; I think Tubbo has a good chance of being adopted, but me? No, I don't think so at all.

Still, I looked at Tubbo and plastered a smile on my face.

"No doubt!"

"And this is Toby's room but Tom is always in there with him. Tom's room is just across the hallway." We heard from the other side of the door. It sounded like with the worst fake voice ever.

The door opened and standing outside of it was a man looking to be in his late 20s with a green and white bucket hat on his head. "You can go say hi to them if you'd like." Karen continued while shooting a glare at me and Tubbo.

The man walked in and to my surprise so did two other boys who were probably his sons. Or maybe he was babysitting.

One had brown fluffy hair and he was wearing an oversized yellow sweater with a black beanie on his head. The other one had long pink hair that was put up in a messy braid. They both looked to be about 19 or 20.

I looked over at Tubbo to see what he made of all of this. He was looking around the room frantically with wide eyes and a huge smile. I softly smiled at the sight of this. All of a sudden the man in the bucket hat came and stood in front of us.

"Hi, my names Phil. And these are my sons Wilbur," he pointed to the brown haired one "And techno" He pointed to the pink haired one. They both awkwardly waved at me and Tubbo.

I made it aware that I acknowledged their pitiful attempts at a greeting us by nodding slightly while Tubbo energetically waved back.

Phil looked back at us and put out his hand for us to shake it. Tubbo immediately took it with both his hands and started bouncing it up and down. Phil laughed and Tubbo let go sheepishly.

He then looked at me and I looked at his outstretched arm. I tentatively took it and gave it a quick shake.

He gave me a small smile in return. Phil looked over at techno and Wilbur and they both nodded. Phil then directed his attention to Karen and spoke.

"These two" Karen looked at him, obviously puzzled. Honestly, I was too.

"I'd like to adopt these two."

996 words

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