Chapter 6

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"Let it be known, that a witch can still curse me when I turn intangible." Y/n said loopily from the backseat of the impala. Sam chuckled, his eyes traveling from the woman to his brother in the drivers seat.

"So Dean, what do you think?" Sam asked.

"About what?"

"About taking Y/n to Bobby." Dean was silent as he kept his eyes trained on the road. "Seriously Dean? She came on the hunt, she distracted the cops so we could get to the witch, she stalled long enough for us to get a clear shot. She helped-" Before Sam could continue, Dean quickly cut in.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! She can stay for a few days, and unless she can prove that we can trust her, we are kicking her out, maybe even have Cas wipe her memory or some shit."

"Wipe my memory? You may need a very effective baby wipe and maybe buy some tickets to the show that is my brain, because, boy, that will be a long plotted story." Y/n giggled and pushed her body to sit up in the middle of the back seat.

"What was the curse she placed on you anyway?" Sam turned his attention back to Y/n.

"Not entirely sure but I'm sure it has to do with why my eyes will not focus. I cannot tell which one of you is who and if this is my left hand or not." Y/n said, her body swaying as she struggled to keep balanced, to which Sam simply rolled his eyes. Y/n yawned and stretched her arms as her body began to shrink and morph into that of a domestic cat. Y/n laid down again to attempt to get some sleep during the drive to Bobby's house.

About ten hours later, and with few pit stops, the brothers and the human feline have arrived in Missouri, at a motel for the night. Dean grabbed his and his brother's duffel bags from the trunk of the car while Sam struggled to wake up the female in the back seat. Y/n was reluctant to remove herself from the vehicle as her cat nap did not feel fulfilled.

Dean slammed the trunk shut and rounded the car to find Sam pulling Y/n out of the car while Y/n went full dead weight. Sam was about to pull Y/n up with as much strength that he thought would be necessary until Y/n disappeared from the car and reappeared next to Dean. The sudden imbalance of weight caused Sam to fall backwards to the ground, making Y/n erupt in laughter.

"Has anyone told you that you are terrible at balancing your priorities?" Y/n purred, her mouth resting in its usual smirk-like grin. Dean couldn't help but laugh at the prank pulled on his brother, feeling himself begin to already form a bond with the maddened feline.

"Ha ha. So funny." Sam was obviously not amused by what Y/n had done. He got to his feet and dusted off the dirt and dust that had gotten on the clothes while his butt was becoming acquainted with the ground. Sam was tasked with watching Y/n as Dean checked in at the front desk. Once inside the motel room, Dean swiftly pulled out a chair to sit in while Sam leaned against the dining table. Both brothers turned their gazes to Y/n, waiting for her to take her own seat, but Y/n did not move.

"Care to sit?" Sam asked.

"Care? No I do not care. Should my action of changing my position be of consideration or serious attention? If you wish me to sit, simply ask, do not ask if I care about the action of sitting." Y/n responded, causing Dean to shut his eyes in frustration.

"Then could you sit?" Dean sighed.

"Gladly!" The female chirped before she folded her legs into a sitting position, her waist never twisting. Y/n leaned back, relaxing as she sat on the air, nothing physical making contact with her body to support her position. Sam's eyebrows raised in subtle surprise but he quickly chuckled and continued on with the 'interrogation'.

"So what are your powers?" Sam asked, genuinely curious. Y/n's eyes flickered from Sam down to her legs, then back to Sam. The man appeared confused until Y/n's body began to rise higher then lower again, making it obvious that she was referring to her ability to fly.

"Okay, what else can the cat do?" Dean spoke up. Y/n grinned wickedly.

"The cat can do what the cat can show. If a cat cannot show, no proof what the cat can do. The feline can pass through what is physical. The feline can make her figure unseeable by the eyes that look. The feline can also see and sense what others do not. The feline can give you her hand in one place and give another her other hand in another place. The feline can marry and divorce any she wants. The feline can change her figure to appease those around her. The feline can jump from place to place, miles apart, seconds apart." Dean shared a glance with his brother, attempting to decode the riddles of the female.

"All I understood was you can walk through walls, invisibility, shapeshift, and teleport?" Dean guessed, her widening grin confirming that his guesses were correct. Sam's facial expression led the female to believe that he didn't understand anything else that she had alluded to.

"What you miss is this. I am aware of what cannot meet your stare. I can split my body apart but keep it moving as though it has the heart. I can fuse the pieces of life better than a knife and disperse the same like a game. I can not only walk through walls but can have them all fall through me."
"OH! I get it!" Sam exclaimed excitedly. " 'I am aware of what cannot meet your stare'. You have a sort of awareness of what isn't obvious. Like a spiritual awareness. 'I can split my body apart but keep it moving as though it has the heart.' You can separate your body parts from each other and still keep control of them. 'I can fuse the pieces of life better than a knife and disperse the same like a game.' You can vaporize and fuse atoms. And you can make your body intangible!" Sam explained.

"Ding! Ding! The man has deriddled the words!" Y/n giggled, her body spinning around so she was upside down. Dean leaned back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest. He seemed to be contemplating, but what he was contemplating was not evident.

"I would ask what is of your ability but then again, you humans are so plain. You toss out the possibility of your wonder and you treat the wondering with medicine. You wonder the possibility of wonder, and wonder why so little is accomplished." The female floated towards the table the brothers were sat at, and hovering over it. "So tell me, what have you wondered?"

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