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You knocked on the door, your hands a little bit shaky from the slight fear. A few seconds later, someone opened the door. A black sheep with a broken chest, exposed wires on their neck and limbs, a red spiked collar, and a purple witch's hat. Wow, okay. Not what you were expecting, but interesting. 

"Uh, haha, trick or treat!" you said, grinning sheepishly. (Hehe.)

 "Oh my. Trick or treaters at this hour?" they said in an almost robotic voice, smiling. "Aren't you a little bit old for this?"

"Psssh, I just like the candy." you admitted, leaving out the detail that you really, really, really like paranormal things and that you find this place to be creepy as shit. 

 "Well, then." they said, opening the door more to invite you inside. "Come in. We have plenty of candy for you, silly bunny." 


 You happily stepped inside, and were greeted by a... nice home..? The wallpaper was a calm pale yellow with flowery designs on it, and the carpeting was a deep purple. Some photos hung on the wall of past trick or treaters, along with paintings. This is absolutely not what you expected, but you can't say no to it. 

 "Nice place ya got here!" you said. 

 "Thank you! I'm glad you like it. Here, allow me to introduce you to my friends."


 "This is Billy," they gestured to a clown, "TVA," a, well, TV, who mumbled a greeting to you, "and the Pumpkin Rabbit." 

 Your brain stopped functioning as you turned your head to look at the last friend. In front of you stood a golden yellow rabbit who towered a good 2 feet over you. They had a purple tie, the same kind of broken chest as the sheep, and green exposed wires. You looked up at them and tried your absolute best not to blush. (They only smiled at you, which did not help at all.) 

".....................uhh,h, can i ,jjust get my candy now,," you squeaked, still looking at the Pumpkin Rabbit. The sexyman-ass bitch just kept fucking smiling at you. Oh my fucking god. 

 "oh, little one, we have plenty of candy for you." he said in a deep, soft voice.  The rabbit held out a bowl of candy to you, and you shakily took a few. TVA took a picture of you taking the candy, the flash of the camera temporarily blinding you. 

 "Ow." you giggled, rubbing your eyes a bit. 

 "sorry about that. we like taking pictures of our guests every year. that way we will never forget them." the Rabbit said in that deep, almost disturbing voice. "go take a look, little bunny."

You blushed a bit too hard at his words and turned towards the wall he gestured to. On the wall there were multiple photos of past trick-or-treaters, all of the photos framed and dated. 

Yep yep yeah there's the photo of Duckie and Tammy. You're going to fucking die.

 "Hm, cool!" you said, turning back to the others. There was a slight quiver in your voice that you prayed nobody noticed. "However, uh, it's getting pretty late, I think I should go home soon..." you mumbled, rubbing the nape of your neck. 

 "Oh, should you? It mustn't be safe to go out at this hour.." the sheep said, worried. 

 "I could handle it-" you began, quickly interrupted. 

 "i have an idea. why don't you stay here for the night?" the Rabbit said, audibly grinning. All of the blood in your body rushed to your face immediately. 

You looked up at him incredulously, smiling weakly. ",,BBUT I REALLY SHOULD GET GOING,,, ARE YOU SSURE THAT'S A GOOD IDEA?," you stammered. 

 "i think it's a great idea. besides, it'll just be for one night." he replied, a hint of playfulness in his tone. 

 You looked down at your shoes silently, blushing out of your fucking mind. The sheep offered to show you to your room and you obliged, avoiding looking at the Rabbit the whole time. You could feel his eyes following you, though. The thought of him made your heart skip a beat. 

Dear fucking god.

Silly Bunny - The Pumpkin Rabbit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now