Chapter Seventeen

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"Sorry I couldn't manage to drop by until now." Levi admitted as he leant back in his seat on the sofa and outstretched both of his arms along the back of it.

Regulus, who was trying not to spill his drink as he sat down in one of the armchairs opposite the sofa in the living room, shook his head as he replied, "Don't worry about it. You're a lot busier than I am."
Levi chuckled in response, his head bobbing forward slightly so his longer brown hair fell over his eyes. He leant back again to comb it back over his head and explained, "I meant to come by the day after your birthday. Esme sent me quite a brutal letter when I said I would have to be over a week late."

That didn't make much sense, Regulus thought. Why would Esme be particularly bothered by that? Well, Levi was about to clear that up. Somewhat, anyway.

"She kind of organised this birthday present for you. Well, I say organised... She told me what she wanted to do and I organised it and went out and bought and paid for it. Oh, and I'll be taking you to it." Levi explained.

So Levi didn't quite clear it up too well - Regulus was still very confused. "I'm sorry, what are you on about?"
The other man chuckled, "Sorry, I'd forgotten you didn't know what the present was."

Regulus stared at Levi for a good while.
Levi stared back at him, almost puzzled.
Regulus said, "You still haven't told me."

Levi's jaw dropped open and he blushed in embarrassment. "Don't tell Avery I did that." He insisted, before finally saying, "We got you a ticket to the next quidditch match. Puddlemere United - your team - versus the Wimbourne Wasps."

"You're joking." Regulus concluded. It wasn't even a question. There was no way he believed that. It was more likely to be some awful prank than it was to be true.

"No... I'm not joking. Unless Avery has tricked me, too. Which, let's be honest, is very possible. I do actually have the tickets though." Levi pulled them out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket, "Here you go."

Even then, looking down at the tickets in his hands, he didn't believe it. He hadn't been to a British quidditch game in so many years. In fact, if he remembered correctly, the last time Regulus had been was with his parents over the summer when he was fifteen.

Levi further explained, "We will have to come up with some sort of disguise for you. Especially because we'll be in my box alongside Ludovic Bagman and the like."
"Ludovic..." Regulus frowned in thought, "Bagman?"
His friend nodded and clarified, "Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

Regulus couldn't put his finger on it. The memory was right on the tip of his tongue. Why did that name ring bells in his mind? Something about Ludovic Bagman... Ludov-Ludo. Ludo Bagman. Bagman.

"Oh." Regulus suddenly leapt up to his feet, "I know where I recognise that name from!"
Levi asked, "Is it from the papers? Ludo isn't very well liked, if I'm being honest."
"No, hold on. Esme!"

No reply.
No reply, again.

"What? Merlin, what?" Esme finally arrived at the top of the stairs, and called down from where she was stood.

"Does the name Bagman ring a bell?" Regulus asked, "Ludo Bagman?"
The woman thought for a moment, and then descended just enough of the stairs so she could duck down and peer into the living room,  through the open door, to where Regulus stood. "Should it ring a bell?" She asked.
Esme then sat down partway down the staircase and thought again for a moment.

Regulus knew it was only a matter of time before she put the pieces together in her head. He was correct. Suddenly, her head jolted upwards and she checked, "Is he the son of Lucy Bagman?"
Regulus chuckled, "I knew you'd get it."

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