The boy who never said hello

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Chapter 1.

It was a Tuesday afternoon 2014, I had meet this boy at school he was of corse the new guy, come on isn't that how all love story's start you meet the new guy you date him and live happily ever after well this story of my love life is different.

Oh yea ummm...
Hi my name is Sam I'm 17 years old and live in a house that's about all you need to know!

This is a day about me and only me and how I suck at certain things in life love Sam. p.s who lives in a house.

I was at school, there was a new guy coming into class and of corse all the girls were saying "OMG! I HOPE HES CUTE!!!!!" Well my different best friend Mace she would do her walk passed and flip the hair to get a guys attention. Unlike me, What I was going to do, you know (smirk) it play it cool I guess, to impress!

It was period 5 this was the time he was coming in!! Their was this stupid rumour that harry styles was coming, ha yea right.

Here he comes the teacher walks him in and Leeds him to his seat. He came in hair perfectly parted great smile, seemed smart, bright eyes you just want to shout "I LOVE YOU!" Lucky I shouted that out in my mind! "Gosh imagine if I said that out loud!" As Sam said it out loud and everyone looked. Okay that wasn't on the lines of playing it cool.

30minutes passed...

We wore doing maths "yay!" Sam said sarcastically, my favourite, as i took a sharp turn to the boy all the girls wore doing their quick peaks (lookings carefully) I looked at the clock 3,2,1 the bell rang "nailed it" Sam whispered to herself.

well that was a lesson of just sitting there and not getting anything! Sam boch please come speak to me the teacher said. I slowly walked up hoping I wasn't in trouble. Can you please show Tom Ziegler around please you seem nice enough to show him round "okay yeah um... shore" she said in a shaky tone, I guess that's the new guy, said Sam in her head.
I walked over to Tom as he stood up he had hit his head on the corner of my book! "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Sam said in a fast pace "no no it's my fault, books just seem to be attracted to my head". "HAHA!" Sam shouted "I mean oh hah" she said embarrassed "well that was our last thing today, so if you take 1left 2rights you should find you way out, "I will show you round better tomorrow", "okay said tom" as he walked away and smiled.

(Walking home with mace)
"OMG!!!!! Why, why, why me, ahhh" Sam shouted at mace", "omg the first day I bet he hates me now, oh gosh he was so cute!" Said Sam in a sad tone.The both turned the corner to their own house "see you tomorrow" said Sam in a annoyed tone "yup" as mace laughed "bbbyyyyeeee".

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