pt 3) Los Angeles

921 10 3

[Y/n's POV]

The next morning I woke up at 6:30. Our flight left at 8:30. We were taking a private plane that Hendrix provides for the whole team. Luis and I got up and got dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a green sweater. Finally I put on my favorite pair of converse and put my hair in a ponytail. Luis and I gathered our things, checked out, and met the rest of the team at the doors of the airport.

Charlie: Alright LA, here come the ducks.

We all walked in and went through security and boreded the plane I sat next to Luis and on the other side of Luis was Julie. Everyone else was seated as the last 3 people boarded the plane. Dean, Fulton, and Dwayne. Dean and Fulton both sat down and Dwayne came up to me.

Dwayne: excuse me Ma'am?

I looked up from my book

Dwayne: Do you mind if I sit here?

He said with a smile on his face, god he's so adorable. I smile back.

Y/n: yeah of course!

He sat down and we smiled at eachother. I went back to my book and we took off. Around 3 1/2 to 4 hours later we arrived in LA. We all got our things and we're assigned our dorm rooms, I'm with Connie and Julie. I go in the room and start to unpack my things into my little dresser that was provided. After we all unpacked we all went to the rink for practice. We all skated to the middle of the rink and took a knee infront of coach.

Bombay: now I understand at practice we need to get work done. But hockey is also a game. And games are fun . Rancher Dwayne.

Dwayne: yes sir?

Bombay: round me up some stray cattle there son

Coach hands him a rope and we all scatter. Coach blows the whistle as people are caught. First it's Goldberg, then Julie, and then Averman. Everyone else is now out except me, Luis and Charlie. Soon Luis gets out then Charlie. Soon enough Dwayne is after me. Us both skating as fast as we can as our teammates cheer us on.

Y/n: better keep up cowboy

Dwayne: oh, you better watch it

We both laugh as he chases me around, after a good 3-4 minutes he ropes me.

Dwayne: Yee-haw!

He bows as our teammates cheer.

Dwayne: Thank you! Thank you!

He says as our teammates laugh and cheer, including me sitting out beside Dwayne on the Ice. He turns to me with a big smile.

Dwayne: Alright Miss, lets get you up

He laughs and pulls me off the ice. The rest of our teammates already in the locker room.

Y/n: why thank you
*We both giggle*

Y/n: you've got to teach me how to lasso sometime

Dwayne: ok, sounds fun, now what do you say we go get changed and go to the game room?

Y/n: I'm down! Let's go!

Ma'am|| Dwayne RobertsonWhere stories live. Discover now