Chapter 1~ Alberto

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Alberto threw himself in an armchair near the window. Another day, another great fish haul. Of course, it helped that he was a sea monster and actually knew where the best fishing spots were, but that didn't mean that it wasn't still hard work. Finally, it was time for him to relax and eat dinner.

"Alberto!" The young boy sat up quickly. His adoptive father stood in the doorway, holding an envelope in his hand. "You have a letter from Giulietta."

He groaned, but reached out his hand to take the letter anyway. Usually, Giulia only wrote to remind him not to let Machiavelli eat pasta again. Like, seriously, he accidentally filled the cat's bowl with spaghetti ONCE and now she has to yell at him every week.

This time, there were no angry words or threats waiting for him on the paper. Instead, he was greeted with friendly handwriting (or, at least, as friendly as his adoptive sister could be).

The letter read:

Caro Alberto,

This is probably going to sound pretty out-of-the-blue, but my school is having a winter dance in a week, and we are expected to bring a date. I've never been into the whole "romance" thing, so I'm perfectly fine with going alone. Luca, on the other hand, absolutely WILL NOT shut up about how much he wishes you were here so he could ask you to go with him. He has tried and failed to write you three different letters asking you to visit, but he always ends up crumbling the paper before he could send it. He doesn't know I'm telling you, but if he did he would probably hurt me. I've put enough money in this envelope to buy you a train ticket here and back, so please visit us next week so you and Luca can go to the dance together. He really misses you, and (while it pains me to admit it) I miss your sarcastic jokes too. Make sure to dress nice, and maybe get Luca flowers. (He really likes violets)

Tua amica e sorella,



Alberto's mind was spinning so fast that he didn't even mind the insult at the end of the letter. Luca wanted to go to a dance with him? Why?

Maybe... he likes me!

He shook his head violently. No, Luca didn't like him. He just wanted to go with a friend. Obviously. But... what if?

Massimo raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay, Alberto?"

He looked up. He had forgotten the tall man was even in the room. "Uh, yeah." He thought back to the ticket money Giulia had given him. "Well, Giulia wants me to visit her and Luca at Genova so I can go to a dance they are having."

His adoptive father smiled. "Ah yes, Giulietta told me that she was giving you the money to buy a train ticket." He thumped down in the chair next to Alberto. "Have you decided whether or not you want to go?"

Alberto looked at the letter in his hands. Luca really wants me to go, he thought. Also, there is no telling what Giulia might do to me if I don't.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, I think that it'll be fun. Plus, I'll get to see Luca, and I haven't seen him in a while." 108 days, to be exact.

"You like Luca a lot, don't you?"

Alberto jerked his head up. He hadn't expected that question. "What are you talking about? I don't like Luca!" Contradictory to his words, he could feel his face turning an unnatural shade of red.

Massimo smiled. "Alberto, I was once young and in love as well. I know that look."

"Whatever, no way!" he huffed, getting up and storming off to his room. "Luca is my best friend, and that's all!"

Behind Alberto's back, his adoptive father smirked and went back to work cutting up fish for dinner.

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