Chapter Ten: Girl Power

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♡RAMADAN KAREEM!♡ How's your fasting going?

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Maryam's POV

When, I got home late from staying after school at the library. I found my mom in the kitchen making food. "Hey, Mama."

"Hey, habibti." she kissed my cheek and went back to cooking. I sat down at the counter and watched her cut up some chicken.

"What are you cooking?" I asked, as I deeply inhaled the delicious aroma.

"Karim is sick in bed. He didn't got to school. So, he asked me to make Mandi." she explained and added the diced chicken into the pot.

"Mmh, yummy! I can't wait!" I gushed and went over to the fridge. When told my mom 'I can't wait', I literally meant it. For some reason, I was really hungry. So, I grabbed some Hummus and Peeta Bread for a snack.

"Take some up to Karim too." my mom said, when she noticed, "The food won't be ready for a while, I don't want him to get too hungry." she finished. I nodded and grabbed more.

When I opened his door, I found him on the ground playing with his toys. "Hey, Reemi! I got some Hummus for you, go wash your hands." I said, as I placed it on his little coloring table. Then, I got up and took my food to my room.

When I came back to his room, Karim was already digging in. "Can I go watch TV?" he asked.

"No, Mama wants you to stay in here and rest." I declined, and rubbed his head.

He got down on his knees and hugged my legs. "Pwease, Momo!" he begged and pouted his lips.

I tried to fight it, but I couldn't resist the sad puppy look. "Fine!" I surrendered and went to go retrieve my laptop. I got on Netflix and went on the kid's side for him. "You watch for an hour, then take a nap!" I ordered and left to his room.

Finally, after a long day of school I could rest. Jesse and I didn't have any tutoring to do, since he has practice. So, I had the rest of the day to myself.

Like always, I was in the mood for some Netflix. Since, Karim had my laptop, I decided to use my PS3 instead. Well, it was Deen's first, but he gave it to me when he got the PS4. Anyways, I got comfortable in my bed, with my food by my side and scrolled around for something to watch.

I took awhile, but I finally decided to watch Aladdin. I wasn't really in the mood for an action or comedy movie, besides it's one of my favorite movies.

Aladdin: "Genie, I wish for your freedom."

Genie: "One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. I... What?"

Aladdin: "Genie, you're free!"

My phone suddenly started ringing. I looked down and saw that it was Katie. I ignored it, because this was my favorite part.

Aladdin: "I'm going to miss you Genie."

Genie: "No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me!"

When Genie said that, I completely lost it. That scene always gets me every time! Tears started to stream down my face. Then, my phone started ringing again.

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