Part 34

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As I entered the scene, I saw a pained Sasuke, a half-dead Sakura, and a panicked Naruto. "Gaara!" I yelled getting everyone's attention. "Tell Him to shut the Hell up!" I yelled again with a smirk. A look of recognition flashed across his face before it contorted into a hate-filled one.

"You don't know anything!" He yelled coming at me with full force. I jumped onto the Shukaku's on-coming fist.

"Gaara." I said calmly trying to get rid of the beast.

"Shut up you Lair! You said you were going to be there! YOU LIED!!" He roared as he came after me. I dodged him once again.

"Gaara-" I was cut off by him.

" If I can't Kill you..." A devilish smile appeared on his face. "Then I'll Kill the one's you love!" He screamed as He attacked Naruto who was frozen in shock.


3rd P.O.V

Gaara's attack was stopped, making him look down at the person who stopped him. There stood a chakra coated Minako. 3 thick, whisker-like marks were on each of her cheeks and her sharp canines were protruding through her lips. Her now jagged hair was flying wildly behind her. She snapped her eyes open and looked at him with sharp, red eyes.

"You bastard... I'll Kill You!" She growled, hesitant to say the threat, before she attacked him. The two 12-year-old's slashed at each other and growled wildly, or that's what it seemed like to Naruto and Sasuke, who were the only one's conscious to watch.

But, inside Minako's mind was a whole other story.

"Finally..." The Yin Kuruma chuckled.

"Get back into your cage!" Minako yelled as she tried to get close to the seal, only to be greeted with the materialized Kyubi chakra. "You're an idiot you know?" She said calmly with a small smirk.

"What.." He questioned, but once he realized what she was referring to he hurried to take back his chakra. He was too late. Minako raised her fist and punched his chakra formed paw.

"I win." She said softly with gentle eyes. "Now let me fight my fight." She said, hardening them.

"As you wish." He muttered with a smirk. You really are something else, kid.

The cloak of chakra disappeared from Minako's small body. The marks on her cheeks faded, her hair floated down and her eyes returned back to normal. But the opposite happened for Gaara. The Shukaku took over his body and started screaming in joy as the limp body of Gaara swung around.

"Damn," Minako muttered. "Naruto!" She called to her twin. "Summon Gamabunta!" Naruto nodded and did as told.

"What the? Not you two again!" Gamabunta groaned. Minako hopped onto his head along with Naruto. "What is this, Huh? He asked as he looked at the Shukaku. "Well will you look at that? Shukaku the sand spirit."

"Gamabunta," Minako called, her voice and eyes full of determination. "You may not like this, but I need your help to fight this one. I have a plan, Naruto I need you too."

"Alright!" Naruto said with an excited smile and fist pump.

Minako..... You're so much like your Father....But look so much like your Mother. If you were as obnoxious as Naruto here, I would tease you before I'd do anything... But, here I am taking your orders. He thought looking up at the said girl.

"Got it." He then croaked, taking out his sword. Minako and Naruto made shadow clones. Minako's shadow clone went to get Temari and Kankuro out of danger and Naruto's went to get Sasuke and Pakkun out of danger. Sakura was unable to move so Minako's second clone guarded her.

Gamabunta jumped forward making Naruto stumble. "Hand on there kid." He called as he made the cut. The Shukaku's arm flung from the body before disintegrating into the ground.

"AIR BULLET!" The Shukaku yelled.

"Water Bullet!" Gamabunta yelled, countering the attack.

"AIR BULLET!" He yelled once more making Gamabunta do the same, but this time it was different. There was a hidden one coming right at the trio.

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