Part 18

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"I'm Minako Uzumaki." I introduced.

Neji Hyuga." He said sitting down.

 "How about we play 20 questions." I offered. He rose an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll go first. Favorite color?"

"Um..... Red, Green, and Black. Your's?"

"Blue. Are you a ninja?"

"Yep. What rank are you?"

"Genin. What about you?"

"It's hard to explain." I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Technecly I'm a Genin, but when we go on missions I'm Captain."

"Who's you're sensei?"

"My sensei betrayed Konoha so the Hokage trains us sometimes, but most of the time it's just my team. They voted that I became Captain behind my back and so now I'm the captain of Squad 6." I smiled. "Oh, and you used up 3 questions." I said happily with a dango stick in my mouth... I was all out. "What squad are you on?


"Who are you're teammates?"

"Rock Lee and Tenten No Konohagakure."

"Whos your senei?"

"Might Guy." I nodded taking in the information. "You're turn."

"Why did you want to know?"

"Though we might become friends you're silently judging me and you're in the chunin exams, correct? I might come across you and I would want to be prepared." I said. "Now.... Have any nicknames?"

"Since we live in the same house my cousins will call me 'brother'. What's your nickname?"

"I have three. Mina-chan is what my friends call me. Hime-chan is what Baka-chan calls me. He calls me that because I'm 'Perfect' and a 'Princess'." I huffed."And no matter how many time I dissagree he won't give it up. That's also why I started calling him Baka-chan." I said with a sigh.

"Whats the third one?"

"I now have 2 questions and the third is Na-chan. My best friend called me that."


"You can't say something in question form and expect an answer. You have to ask me something." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Why did you say 'called', are you not best friends anymore?"

"No, she's dead." I said a bit quietly. " Uh, anyway, I now have 3 questions. Favorite season?"


"What's your middle name?"

"I don't have one."

"Um....... Do you have any family?"

"Yes, do you?"

"Hai. Are they alive?"

"Not my immedeate family." He gritted out. "You?"

"All I have is my twin brother. Do you have any friends?"

"My teammates. What happened to your parents?"

"They died the day I was born. What hapened to yours?"

"My mother died giving birth and my father was murdered." He said a little more calm knowing we were in the same boat. How did you're parents die?"

"My parents died protecting me from getting hit by the Kyuubi's claw." I answered, figiting a little. "Who else is in you're family?"

"My cousins Hinata and Hanabi and their father Haishi." I nodded. "Who's your brother?" I smiled at his question.

"That baka would be Naruto." His eyebrow rose. "If you have a question you have to ask." I smirked making him sigh.

"Why did you call him an idiot?"

"Because he's my little idiot, so I call him Baka-chan. He'll do the dumbest things, but he has a great will so after a while he'll get stuff right. Do you know what your parants were like?"

"Only my dad, not my mom. Do you know who your parents are?"

"Yes. What was your dad like?" I asked changing the subject.

"He was a kind and self-less man. Do you want to tell me their names?" He asked sarcasticly.

"No. What's your uncle like?"

"He's strict and bossy. What's you're brother like?"

"A loud, obnoxious, ramen-loving and hard-headed little blonde, but he's also self-less, innocent-ish, and kind. What's Hanabi like?"

"She's sassy and nosie. Did you forget Hinata? "

"I already know Hinata. What happened to you're aunt?" I asked.

"She died giving birth as well. Who's you're father?"

"The sun's first rays welcome his face each morning. 
And he kisses it goodbye every night. 
His chisled face has cracks running through them 
And you see him every day in town. 
Red threads between his fingers. 
He's quicker than thunder and lightning. 
Who is he?" I said reciting a poem I had made a while back.
(i own dat poem FYI)

"Uh......." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Tell me when you get it. Ja ne~!" I said poofing to where I'm supposed to meet up with everyone. I can't wait for the chunin exams......

End Of Recap 

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