Facts about Men

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Facts that will make you say
"WTF, No Shit??!"

🚹 A man's top dating fears include that a woman will come between him and his friends, won't allow him free time, will turn out to be a stalker, won't respect him, or will be too high maintenance.

🚹 A man has more chances to attract a woman if he wears the color blue.

🚹 A study found that men in their early twenties feel more emotional pain after a breakup than women do.

🚹 Men are more attracted to women whose bone structure is similar to their own mothers. Researchers call this "sexual imprinting".

🚹 Men with deeper voices are more likely to make a lasting impression on women than men with higher voices.

🚹 Men fall in love faster than women do.

🚹 Men are actually more emotionally affected by relationship troubles than women. They just do a better job of hiding it.

🚹 Men lie an average of 6 times a day, twice as often as women.

🚹 Men's biggest complaints about women include: the silent treatment, bringing up things he's done in the distant past and being critical.

🚹 A psychological study confirms that the presence of a beautiful woman ignites stupid behavior of men.


See the additionals at the beginning
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