Untitled Part 1

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I abruptly woke up as I heard movement outside my door. My sai was on the nightstand. My teacher at the hunters academy awarded it to me last week. It's a cursed weapon that'll kill any vampire. I grasped it in my hand. I tip toed down the dark hallway to the commotion. The faucet was on in the kitchen. I peeked around the corner. Blood flowed down the drain. I was so relieved it was just my mom washing blood off her hands. My father placed their weapons on the kitchen table. "What are you doing up honey?" My father said. "You probably woke her when you dropped your weapons at the door." I chuckled. Yn:" Actually yeah. Did you guys eliminate your target?" My mom smiled and said "Yes we did. Zero's parents came along with us this time. Anyway let's get you back to bed sweetie."

Shizuka pov
I clenched the ashes of my fallen lover. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I was in shock, denial, confusion, regret. I dont understand. Why did the Kiryus and the Vons take him from me? He wasn't a level E yet. They shouldn't of killed him. I started trembling a rage fueled through my veins. I'll make them pay.

Yn pov
I huffed as my hands were on my knees. It took me a minute to catch my breath. Toga: " Your getting good with that sai of yours. That weapon was a good choice for you." Yn:" What else are we doing today?" Toga:" We can call it a day. You've been doing really well. Besides Zero is here early for his lesson. " I was packing my things. A glass of water was put in my face. Zero:" You look thirsty." I grasped the water and gulped it down. Yn:" Thanks. Good luck today." Zero: " Thanks... yn..Ichiru isnt doing well today. He asked about you." Ive been friends with both Zero and Ichiru since I can remember. Ichiru is ill quite often. Zero and I never understood why. It's been like this since I can remember. I sighed. Yn:" Ok I'll make sure I stop by."

Ichiru was asleep. I crawled in bed next to him. I watched him peacefully sleep. I caressed his cheek as i admired his sleeping form. He was sweating. He was burning up. I felt a pain in my chest. I hated that he was always in pain. I wish i could take his pain away. My eyes slowly drifted shut. I woke up to a hand caressing my cheek. Ichiru had a smile on his face. Ichiru: " I'm glad your here. I missed you. " Yn:" Are you feeling ok?" Ichiru: " I'll be fine." He had a sad expression. Yn:" What's wrong?" Ichiru: " I'm gonna miss you and Zero. When you start working for the Hunters association." Yn:" Ichiru..your a hunter too." Ichiru: " Toga teaches me how to defend myself. The rare times im not ill. But I'm not physically well enough to work for the association. You and Zero are gonna leave me behind someday. I've accepted that." I placed my hand on his cheek. His sad lilac eyes pierced mine. Then I placed my lips on his. I slowly pulled away. He gave me a sad smile. Ichiru:" Yn." He grasped my hand. Yn:" I won't ever leave you behind Ichiru." I placed my forehead on his and we drifted back to sleep. I woke up to Ichiru throwing up in his trash can. I rubbed circles on his back. He groaned. I grabbed the water on his nightstand. Yn:" Drink this."He fell back on his pillow as he groaned again. I leaned over and placed my hand on his forehead. Yn:" Is there anything i can do?" Ichiru:" Your..already..doing it." His eyes drifted shut. Yn:" Wait Ichiru you have to drink this." I placed my arm underneath him. I lifted him up and placed the cup to his lips. A little bit of light came through the door as it creaked open. Zero stood in the doorway. Zero:" Do you need help?" Yn:" No I got it." Zero:" My mom called your mom to let her know that you fell asleep. You can stay here tonight if youd like." Yn:" Ok thanks." Zero slowly shut the door. Ichiru layed back down on his pillow. I grabbed a cold cloth and placed it on his forehead. He sighed. Ichiru:" That feels good... I wish..Zero would of..finished me off... So I don't have to go through this. " Yn:" What are you talking about?" Ichiru: " The curse of the hunter twins. .You dont know it?" Yn:" No I dont." Ichiru: " Years ago the hunters were punished. If twins are formed in the womb then one of the twins always consumes the other. Zero didn't completely consume me. So I survived but he consumed enough of me where I'm always in a weakened state. He should of finished me off. I cant keep doing this. I'm..always in pain. You have to forget.. about me and move on." I've never heard the tale he spoke of. I don't know if he was just delirious or maybe it was true? Yn:" Hey stop. Zero didn't completely consume you because he loves you. I already told you I'm not going anywhere ." Ichiru:" But.." Yn:" No I won't leave you. Now go back to sleep."

Me and my parents were setting the dinner table. When my father dropped a plate. He rushed to the cabinet and grabbed his weapon. "Keep Yn safe! " He said "What are you talking about?" My mother said. He rushed out the front door without answering. My mom grabbed her weapon. After a few minutes our front door flew off the hinges. It landed on my mother. There stood Shizuka holding my father's head. Shizuka:" How does it feel to have your lover taken from you?" She threw my father's head at my mother. I've been trained for this moment. I was one of the top people in my class. But when the moment finally came. I froze. My mother lunged towards her. She stabbed Shizuka in the shoulder. With one swift movement Shizuka stabbed her hand through my mother's chest. Her blood splattered on my face. Move Yn! Fucking move Yn! Grab your Sai! Do something! I kept mentally yelling at myself. But my body didn't respond to my thoughts. I stood there frozen. Shizuka walked towards me. She plunged her hand through my shoulder. Even then as I felt the pain shoot through me I was still in shock of what was happening. She pulled her hand out of me. Her hand was covered in my blood. She licked my blood off her hand. Shizuka:" You taste so sweet. Don't worry I won't kill you for now. I can use you." She grabbed my jaw. She looked into my eyes. I was in a trance. Like she was possessing me. Fuck no! That's exactly what she was doing. I tried to close my eyes but it was too late. Shizuka:" Go to the Kiryu's for help. Run!"

Zero pov
I was helping my mother clean the kitchen when I felt an unpleasant feeling. I couldn't explain it but I knew something was wrong. I quickly opened my front door. I saw Yn in the distance. She looked like she was wounded. Zero:" Mom, dad get the first aid yn's in trouble. " "Zero no!" My parents cried out. But I was already outside approaching Yn. Yn gripped her hands on my upper arms. Zero:" Yn what happened?!" She had been stabbed in her shoulder. Blood was splattered on her face. She looked so out of it until she looked into my eyes. It looked like she had just woken up from a dream. Yn:" No! You need to Run! Now!" Before I could respond Shizuka shoved Yn away from me. Yn landed on the ground. She hit her head so hard She passed out. Shizuka grabbed my arm and spun me around. My parents were running towards us. "Let him go please!" My parents yelled. Shizuka:" The children always suffer for the sins of their parents." Then I felt her fangs pierce my neck. My vision faded. I woke up to blood. There was bloody handprints on the floor. My mother and fathers bodies were in front of me. I felt so weak. I couldn't stand up. I looked in front of me. There stood Shizuka holding Yn. Yn was passed out as blood dripped from her shoulder. Then I was shocked when I saw ichiru next to Shizuka. He was smiling. Why the fuck are you smiling!?

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