To the 18th floor, again Pt2

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On the 13th Floor

Hestia: Why don't you explain it already Hermes.

Hestia looked at Hermes with stern eyes

Hestia: Why you're trying to save Bell-kun already?

Hermes laughed while talking.

Hermes: Didn't I say earlier? I'm helping a Friend-


Hestia cuts him off.


Hermes looked at Hestia, Then he smiled.

Hermes: I understand. The reason I came back early is because a certain person asked me to check up on Bell-kun.

Hestia: A certain person?

Hermes: He is Bell's foster parent or so he says

Hestia: Isn't Bell-kun's grand-father deceased?

Hermes shrugs his shoulders.

Hermes: There were un-avoidable circumstances, He had to fake his death and go into hiding without explaining things to his grandson.

Hermes: His foster parent was concerned but couldn't take actions on his own, Thaw's why I was chosen, As I frequently come and go in Orario.

Hestia: A god that's able to use you as a messenger, That could only be...

Hermes cuts her off.

Hermes: Hey now. I didn't say that my client was a God, Did I?

Hestia: I understand your situation , But I don't really see why you needed to come yourself, Aren't there other ways to do this?

Hermes: While I've been entrusted with this job, I too have an Interest in Bell-kun

Hermes: I want to ascertain things with my own eyes, Hestia. I want to see if He's a Hero worthy of bearing the burdens of this age.

Then Hermes's eyes glanced to Tsukino, After seeing him Hestia too looked at Tsukino.

Hestia: *whisper* What's wrong?

Hermes: *whisper* Bell's foster parent... Also told me to Observe the infamous rookie for some reason.

Tsukino heard everything he said without giving a sign of it.

Tsukino: I knew it, That Old man who bought me to Altena was Zeus. To think that Hermes would be the one to Observe me.

Asfi: I'm glad that I'm working with you again.

Asfi engaged the conversation between us. I too was also glad that I'm able to work with her after what happened in the 24th Floor.

Tsukino: Yeah, I too am glad. Though I was requested to come here by Hephaestus.

Asfi: Goddess Hephaestus did?

Tsukino: Not only her, Someone very important to Bell told me to watch over him.

Asfi: Someone important. Is Bell's parent alive?

Asfi asked a strong question, I sensed that Hermes is listening to our conversation very clearly so I decided to Excite Hermes.

Tsukino: Asfi. Listen to me very well as I will only say this once.

Asfi looked at me, She gulp and stood closer to me, I sensed that Hermes came close a bit.

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