To the 18th floor, again

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Tsukino is sitting in the living room while being scold by Loki, A word about the fight that Tsukino and Mord started in front of the Hostess of Fertility reached the Loki Familia, A member there reported it to Loki.

Tsukino: He started it, I defended myself, Done.

Tsukino shrugs off Loki's words.

Loki: And what? You saying that the guild will turn blind eye to your every actions? What were you thinking?

Tsukino: You don't believe me? I have something that can literally take down the guild. You can sense if I lie right? What do you say?

Tsukino looked at Loki with Hollow eyes, Loki sensed that Tsukino never tell a Lie from the beginning. She was nervous because of what Tsukino knows.

Loki: Tsukino, Tell me properly. Are you part of the Evilus?

Loki looked at Tsukino with Dead serious eyes. Then Tsukino laughed out loud.

Tsukino: HAHAHAHA! Part of the Evilus? HAHAHAHAHA! Tell me your joking because you are so hilarious!

Loki stared at Tsukino, Tsukino knows that Loki wasn't kidding, Loki really doubting Tsukino at this point, One word might destroy the trust that Loki gave to Tsukino.

Tsukino: I fought Evilus twice. One with the Hermes Familia, Bete, And Lefiya on the 24th floor. Two, On Altena when I was protecting my Princess. Now your telling me that I worked with the Evilus? Are you right in the head? Doubting your very own children?

Tsukino closed his eyes and crossed his arms, After a few moments of silence, Tsukino stood up and opened the door.

Tsukino: I requested Finn that I will not answer questions that I chose not to, In exchange for the funds on the Expedition, Please honor our deal Goddess.

Tsukino went out and closed the door. Loki sat on her bed at started the train of thoughts.

Loki: Everything is getting complicated now, First, that the Evilus is starting to move, Second, The second entrance to the dungeon is still missing, Third, My relation with Tsukino is starting to wobble. Oh me, I'm being paranoid for nothing. I feel like great battle will begin soon.

Time skip

Tsukino went to Hephaestus's office after his argument with Loki, He knocked on the door three times, Hephaestus gave a small sound indicating that he can come in, Upon opening the door, Tsukino entered Hephaestus's forge to help her for making the "Item" He asked for.

Hephaestus: Right on time. Could you change your outfit so we can start?

Hephaestus pointed on the closet on my left right beside the door, I opened the closet revealing a white apron, white polo, and a hairnet, After seeing the hairnet, I touched my hair and observed it's length.

Tsukino: Maybe I should get a Haircut.

After putting on the outfit, Me and Hephaestus started making the second sword and the Magic Item, She started by making the fire in her forge, Then I took out the Materials I bought from Altena

Hephaestus: Pretty stuffs you got there, Maybe going to Altena was a good experience for you?

Tsukino smiled while holding the Materials.

Tsukino: It was one of my best experience.

Then Lamy's figure came to my mind.

Hephaestus: Then Let's start?

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