• hearts connect •

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"er , lady y/n , i have something to ask of you."

((im struggling to write this atm , i read a horrifying yandere karasuno fanfic and i cant look at haikyuu the same any more... BUT im so excited to see yalls reaction with this ehhe))

zhongli gazed into y/n's eyes while she was busy taking a bite of some bread which yamaguchi gave to her for lunch. "sure , what is it you need ?" he coughed a few times before taking a deep breath. "would it be okay if... we walked home together ? just us two i mean."

((WHAT THE FUCK IT DELETED MY WORK... IM BOUTA oml its so hot in texas i swear))

didn't we always walk home together ?

"that's fine by me. but are we waiting for xiao to finish practice or-"

"w-would it be alright if we left school right away ? i- uhm- er , .... i'm sure xiao can manage himself..." she shrugged. "oh. alright."

he awkwardly hid his face in hopes of hiding away the scarlet-red blush forming on his face. safe to say this man was utterly embarrassed by himself.

THE rex lapis , god of contracts , former ruler of liyue , was a blushing and flustered mess at the sight of y/n. if she told him that he looked nice he would probably piss his pants.

which has actually happened , and only xiao knows of this information.

xiao kept quiet and continued on filling the worksheet the teacher gave him , his hand on his cheek. y/n blinked a few times before continuing her work. xiao's words echoed through her mind.

"do you feel... mortal attraction towards zhongli ?"

she was sure he wouldn't even think of such a thing,

((never use gaming keyboards to type , that shit makes ke mess up typing every other fuking second bruih.))


xiao was the first out of the three to leave the classroom. he gave zhongli a small look before opening the door and leaving the moment the school bell rang. the geo user sighed before speaking. "well then , shall we head off ?" she simply nodded , pushing her chair towards the table before following him out the classroom.

as the two began walking home , a few chirps and twitters from songbirds filled the air , warm sunlight hitting y/n's s/c skin.

"was there any particular reason you wanted to go home so soon , zhongli ?" y/n asked.

"not exactly. although there is something i would like to let you know about. and i suppose what i wish to tell you is for you and you only. no one else would hear me say such things."

her heart began to beat a little louder for some reason. she attempted to keep a straight face and played with her fingers.

"what is it you would like to inform me about ?"

he nervously bit his lip before stopping between his steps. y/n turned to look at him , confused as to why he stopped walking. "zhongli , is something the matter ?" she inched closer towards him. the man smiled and reached out to wrap his fingers around y/n's.

"ahem , the truth is , lady y/n... throughout the years , the battles , the joys we have spent together , i have perhaps... fallen for you. and i would like for you to hear these words. i love you. you are the one i seek and wish for."

it was awfully quiet now. as if the children's laughing and car's rumbling were muffled , the only thing y/n was able to hear is his voice.

"i love you."

"you are the one i seek and wish for."

her heart was beating like crazy now , vision being blurred with tears begging to be spilled (she wasn't sure why she was crying , it made her feel very embarrassed) , her grip on zhongli's hand tightening. without another thought entering her mind , she mustered a few words to say.



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