Chapter 1

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Ya I know I already wrote a first chapter but I'm re-writing it! Hope you enjoy! And can you tell me how to spell Meister right? Thanks!
Echo's POV
I was dashing up the stairs of the DWMA. 'Omg this is going to be so exciting, a new school and its Death Weapon Meister Academy!' I thought to myself. I tripped and I started falling backwards, preparing for in pack when I never felt myself his the ground. I opened my eyes to see an Albino helped me from falling. I got back on to my feet as quickly as I could. "You have to be more careful" The albino joked. "I'm sorry about that, but you didn't have to catch me, I could have flipped out of it. Anyways my name is Echo Albisten, and I'm a weapon. A scythe to be exact!" I greeted. "My name is Soul, and I'm a scythe to" he said plainly. Me and Soul started going up the stairs again.

When we got to the top there were calling Souls name. There was a blue haired kid with a star tattoo. 'Omg that kid has the same coloured hair as me!' I thought. There was a girl with two dirty blonde pink tails, a girl with raven black hair following the blue haired guy, a kid with black hair and three white stripes, and two people who I think are sisters one taller with dirty blonde hair and one shorter with blond hair. "Soul! Who is this" the dirty blonde pink tails asked. "Hello my name is echo! I'm a new student, weapon." I greeted. "HI IM BLACKSTAR, THE BIGEST STAR YOULL EVER KNOW AND IM GOING TO SURPASS GOD ONE DAY!!!" The blue hair greeted. 'Wow ego much' I thought. "Hi I'm Tsubaki and I'm Blackstar's weapon" The raven black hair said kindly. "Hi I'm Death the Kid, Lord Deaths son. You can call me Kid. And this is Patty (points to the short blonde one) and Liz (points to tall dirty blonde one)" The three white stripes said formally. "And I'm Meister Maka, and Souls my weapon!" The dirty blonde pink tails said putting a hand out for me to shake. I shook her hand. "Um, can you help me find the death room? I have no idea where anything is" I asked. "Ya sure follow me" Kid said. I followed the young grim reaper. Everyone followed asking me questions and Blackstar was bragging about surpassing God.

We arrived in the Death Room. "Hello, hello, hello!" Lord Death greeted with his cheery voice. "Hello Lord Death!" I smiled. "So Echo, you'll be in the EAT class because of your advanced skills, so hears you schedule and a map(hands echo two papers). And the rest of you I have a special mission, you have to go investigate a strange portal that appeared resently." Lord Death said. "Ooo, can I go with them?" I asked. "Sorry but you don't have a Meister." Lord Death said patting my head. I grabbed Lord Death, "Look here Lord Death, I'm stronger than most weapons, I am not weak. And like you said I have advanced skills" I said angerly. "Calm down Echo, you can go on that mission" Lord Death said scaredly. "Yay" I said clapping my hands and jumping up and down. I looked at the group and there mouths wear open in surprise. Lord Death told us all the information. "You will be going tomorrow" Lord Death finished.

<><><><><>Time Skip: After school<><><><><>

We went to the front of the school to hang out since it was the end of the day. "ECHO, LETS FIGHT!!" BlackStar said. "Oh ok" I said with a devilish smirk. Everyone circled around. "I won't use Tsubaki, to make it fair" Blackstar said. "No don't do that, that just means your going easy on me. Tsubaki transformed. Blackstar came running at me, I was just standing still. He went to stab me, but I flipped over him and nailed him in the back of the head. He was down, I ran up to him, I hit him in the back, releasing my Soul wave length. I flipped away. Blackstar got up. "Tsubaki enchanted sword mode" Blackstar said. Shadows came at me, I dodged every single one. Blackstar went to hit me. I quickly dodged his attack transforming my arm into a scythe hitting Blackstar. Blackstar was out of the fight. Everyone was cheering. The group came up to me, "Omg Echo you are amazing!" Patty said. "Thanks! Oh no it's almost night! Um I know this a lot to ask but is there anywhere I can stay tonight?" I asked sorta scared. "Ya you can stay with me and Soul as long as you want." Maka offered. "Thank you so much"

<><><><><>Time Skip: Maka and Soul's house<><><><><>

"Thank you again for letting me sleep here" I thanked. "That's the 20th time you've thanked us" Soul said jokishly. "You can sleep in my room if you want" Maka offered. "Oh no I'm perfectly fine on the couch" I said. Maka brought out a pillow and blankets. I changed into PJ's I brought and then I laid down on the couch and instantly fell asleep.

What Lies Beyond (Fairy Tail Crossover wIth Soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now