The Truth

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"Lucifer, I'm here, you wanted to talk to me?" Chloe shouted through the penthouse to make sure he knew she was there. "Oh, yes, evening detective, I'm so glad you came, there is something I need to tell you that you should've known a very long time ago." Chloe was confused, she had no idea what Lucifer was talking about, he must be talking about a family issue, she thought, yet he seemed nervous not upset, what could he mean? "It would be best if you sit down detective, this could be quite a shock." "Lucifer, if you think that I wouldn't accept you for who you are by now, you're wrong", Lucifer replied with a sigh, "If only that were true Chloe, just sit, please", "Ok". Once she sat down she looked at Lucifer intently, waiting for him to tell her what ever it was he wanted to say. "I have never lied to you about anything Chloe, and I never will, I need you to believe me when I say this, I am the Devil. Now I already know that you think this is a metaphor so I am going to show you proof, I don't want to scare you and so I will let you choose." Chloe didn't know what to think, she thought to herself, he must actually be crazy, the Devil isn't real. Little did she know, she was staring right at him. "Lucifer, you know that I've always wanted to know the whole truth, so you do what ever you feel is best, I can be patient". "Alright then detective" Lucifer decided that his devil face would be too much for her to handle, so he flexed his shoulder blades together and there was a very light gust of wind. "Lucifer, OH MY..." Chloe fainted, when she awoke about four minutes later there was a cold rag on her forehead and lucifer was standing on the balcony waiting for  her to wake up. Chloe though she had hallucinated but when he turned around, he quickly walked towards her and she started laughing. "Lucifer, did I fall asleep or something, cause I had the craziest dream where you had wings." Lucifer stared at her waiting for her to realize it wasn't a dream, and when he saw a shocked look wash over her face, he knew she figured it out. "Detective, just know that I have never and will never hurt you." Chloe couldn't believe that this was happening. "Can you show me again?" Chloe asked very nervously. So lucifer opened his wings up again and Chloe gasped and just sat there looking at his brilliant white wings 


Chloe has now missed eight calls from the precinct and three calls from Ella, eventually Chloe picked up one of Ella's calls maintaining eye contact with Lucifer still ogling over his wings. "What's up Ella, I'm a little busy?" "Chloe.....Dan's been shot and we cant track his car, he passed out before he could tell us over the intercom." She turned to look at Lucifer, and he could tell that something was wrong, when he suddenly got a whisper in his ear, he gets these all the time, he gets the name of everyone that arrives in hell when they die. Before Chloe could tell him what had happened he already knew. "He's dead." Lucifer said calmly knowing Chloe wouldn't understand immediately.

"How do you know, I mean I know he's been shot but Lucifer, I really hope your joking right now. He is the father of my child! Can't you do something?" "I can Chloe but I need you to promise me that you will not call anyone to join us, especially an ambulance." "Ok, lets go help him, I promise."


Once Lucifer and Chloe arrived, Via flight, they spotted Dan almost immediately. "Lucifer, you should really put away your wings, you know, because they're wings!" Chloe said with an uneasy voice, considering she is still processing everything. She works with the devil, who has stunning white wings. HA. "I'm sorry Chloe but for this to work they must stay out" Lucifer replied with the same air of worry. So as soon as they knelt down beside Dan, lucifer brought his wings around the three of them and slowly opened his fists. Two blinding balls of light levitated on his palms, and it was beautiful. As soon as he had control of the light he plunged it into the chest of Chloe's ex only to watch the wound heal before their eyes. We should go before he wakes up. So they turned the corner of the warehouse, Lucifer scooped up Chloe and they flew away through the night. 

As soon as they landed on the balcony penthouse, Lucifer went to pour himself a drink as usual, it was merely out of habit. "Lucifer, I have something I would like to say to you." Lucifer turned around in shock wondering why she sounded almost angry.

"I love you"

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