Peter/Harley field trip

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Ok this is barely original. This is probably the same as any other Peter/Harley field trip. But oh well.

We were having a field trip to Stark Tower. Of course were. Why wouldn't we go to the one place I could be myself? Gotta love that Parker luck. Especially when we found our tour guide.
"Hey everyone, I'm Harley!"
I zoned out and tried to think of ways to get out of this. I snapped back to reality when Friday welcomed the first student.
Uh oh. I was not looking forward to them hearing what Friday would say to me. Also, I didn't have a badge. I just pretended to hold one and mimed the swiping motion.
"Welcome back Peter Parker."
Huh? That's all? What happened to all my nicknames and clearance levels and stuff?
Harley walked over. "You're welcome."
"Oh it was you. Thanks."
"I already said you're welcome, do you want me to say it again?"
I pushed him forward. "Just go lead the tour."
Our first stop was the labs, where some of them were showing off their work. While they were doing that, I went over to someone who was waving at me.
"Peter! I need your help. Today hasn't been a good day for me and my brain is shut down. Can you look this over?"
I nodded. "Sure Amanda, but why not ask the others working in this project?"
She sighed. "I'm embarrassed cuz I know it's going to be a dumb mistake."
Makes sense. I began looking through her work when I heard Harley talking the Flash.
"Eugene, stop bothering the workers, they're busy. Pay attention to the ones who actually want you to see their projects."
"First of all, it's Flash. And secondly, Peter's talking to that one over there."
"Peter works here and she asked for his help. See the difference?"
I turned around when I heard my name, just in time to see Flash's glare. "That's totally a lie"
I was about to say something, but Harley spoke first. "Oh wow if you say it's a lie it obviously is! All of Peter's work here must have been an illusion! Oh what fools we've been! Shut the fuck up and pay attention."
I laughed and turned back to Amanda and pointed out her mistake, which made her wipe away an imaginary tear. "Thank's Peter!"
"No problem, but try to focus more!"
The presentations were over so we moved on. I was a bit confused though. Usually when I walked into those labs everybody wanted to talk to me, so why was it only Amanda today? Whatever the reason, it was helpful.
Everyone started to wander around, but I just hung out near the door. A minute later Harley joined me.
"So.... how's the trip? Am I a fabulous tour guide or what?"
"Totally. I'm glad everyone was chill in the labs."
He took my hand and leaned against the wall. "Yet again,you're welcome. I told them to leave you alone. Except Amanda, she wasn't feeling the vibe so I let her talk to you."
"Thanks! I thought for sure you would try and embarrass me."
He laughed. "Oh I wanted to. But there's no way I'm going to get you mad at me, especially since my birthday's coming up."
"Nice. Real selfless of you."
"You know you love me."
"I'm going to fill your room with potatoes."

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