Angry Pepper

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I was fed up with Flash. I was fine when he was just bullying me, but now he moved on to MJ and Ned. There was no way I was going to let that happen, so I did the one thing I never thought of doing.
I told the principal.
I didn't know what else to do. I had tried to get him to focus back on me, but I was old news. So yeah.
Now we were both waiting in the principal's office as he called our guardians. Flash wouldn't stop glaring at me.
Could things get worse? Yes.
"Sorry Peter, but you're Aunt isn't picking up. I'm going to call your second contacts."
Uh oh. "Wait I'm sorry, I lied, Flash is fine, don't call that number."
He raised an eyebrow. "Too late for that."
Ah crap.
I set my phone down and took a deep breath. "Tony."
He looked up. "Yeah?"
"Did you know that Peter was being bullied in school?"
He dropped his wrench. "Excuse me?"
"I just got a call from his school. May isn't available so we have to go sort it out."
I clenched my first. I can't remember the last time I felt this angry. Tony quickly came over and took my hand.
"Hey, why din't I deal with it? I know you're busy."
I shook him off. "There's no way in hell I'm going to let this go. Get the car."
"Uh, are you sure?"
He nodded and left.
It took a while to get the school because there was a bit of traffic. It gave me time to think about what to say to the jerk. I think his name was Flash. Dumb name.
We marched in, and oh boy were they surprised to see us. Well mostly Tony, he was Iron Man after all.
We sat down next to Peter and the talking began.
"So according to Peter, Eugene here has been bullying him and his friends for a while now."
His dad shook his head. "That's a lie. He's probably just doing this for attention. After all we did for this school do you really think my son would start bullying the students?"
Right. These guys gave a lot of money to the school. That's probably the only reason Eugene was still here.
"I think you're right, but we have to take this seriously."
I stood up. "Excuse me? You haven't even heard Peter's side of the story yet! And just because he's rich doesn't mean that kid is innocent. And anyway, I'm rich too so maybe you should rethink your strategy." I directed the last part to the parents.
Flash made an obviously fake face. "I would never hurt a student here! I considered Peter a friend, I don't know why he would lie about this."
That's it.
"Listen here you little shit, Peter would never lie, especially about this. And don't forget that we have security footage of you messing around in Stark Tower. And I know for a fact you are not Peter's friend. So maybe you should just shut your little mouth and let the grownups talk."
He paled a little and his parents stood up.
"I won't tolerate such behaviour towards my son!"
"Oh you're just as bad!"
Things started to escalate, but Tony put himself in the middle.
"Hey! Let's just calm down. Please. We can discuss this like responsible adults.
I scoffed. "You've never been responsible Tony, be quiet."
"Pepper chill."
Somehow I was now arguing with Tony instead of the Thompson's.
Finally the principal coughed really loud. "Ok. Peter. Has a Flash ever done anything besides saying mean things?"
He nodded. "Yea... uh he's pushed us around a lot."
Tony's expression changed. "Ok Pepper let's kill them" :)
Peter stood up. "Guys no-"

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