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"Aureate we have a mission to complete,"

Suddenly, you woke up. You lifted your head up and rubbed your eyes. You had no idea how long you had been out, all you knew was the couch you were currently laying on was very uncomfortable.

Almost as if he read your mind, Steve walked into the room. "Sorry if the couch was not comfortable," you whipped your head around to look at Steve. "But we had to move you somewhere. You started having a nightmare and we couldn't wake you up. Hell, we even called Bucky in here to try and help, but you wouldn't budge," Steve sighed while rubbing his neck. "We were all worried about you, especially me,"

"It wasn't a dream," Steve gave you a confused look. "Wait, you called Bucky in here?!" You said, trying not to raise your voice at Steve. Honestly, you were still a little out of it from whatever just went down in your head."We had to, okay? You started glowing again and we thought that with Bucky also getting night terrors, he could help in some way," Steve said calmly.

You frowned. "Okay, whatever"

"If you don't mind me asking," Steve said as he sat down on the couch beside you. "What happened?"

"It was memories. Someone somehow has blocked my past off. I don't know how or where, but something happened."

Steve, looking worried, asks. "What was the memory of?"

You clear your throat and muster up the courage to talk about your past with the man who nearly choked you to death not even 24 hours earlier. "It was about Bucky and me when he was the Winter Soldier. We were on a mission. Hydra was planning on killing my family! We were at my family's old cabin,"

"We need to talk with Bucky about this, you know. He could help,"

You nodded your head in agreement. "I know. And I know a lot has happened in the past 24 hours, but I need to go back there. With or without Bucky. I'll do whatever I have to. I just... There's a chance that my parents are alive. If I can just go back there and see," you said confidently.

"Y/N, there's a lot that has to happen before you're ready to go into the field. Plus, we are supposed to be in the spotlight, trying to show everyone how the Avengers are good people,"

"What are you trying to tell me, Steve? I know I'm not ready, but I will train with whoever will give me their time,"

"I'm not trying to stop you here. I just don't want anything bad to happen. If you really want to go, your best bet is to talk to Tony. I'll talk to Wanda and Nat and see if you can start training with them,"

"You'd do that," you ask him and he nods his head. You give him a smile and reach to give him a warm embrace, which he quickly returns. "Thank you,"


The next day you wake up, get ready, and put on your most professional-looking outfit. You speed walk down the hallway. You had asked Friday to notify Tony that you would be coming in and talking to him. As you made it to his office on the Compound you knocked on the door before hearing Tony's muffled voice through the door.

"Come in Y/N,"

You slowly open the door and walk-in. "Hey Tony, I need to talk to you."He nodded and gestured you to a chair in front of his desk. You sat down and he started taking. "Alright kid, but if it's about Steve, there's nothing I can do it's all in the contract you sign-"You quickly interrupted him. "I need to go back to the Hydra base from my flashback. Alone." You managed to muster up the confidence to say it proudly.

"No, No, No. Alone? Are you crazy,"

You cock your head at that. "Steve was going to talk with Wanda and Natasha and see if they could help me train," you said, almost defensively. You continued to look at him. Whereas Tony was just holding a blank expression, thinking of a quick way he could talk you out of doing something like this. You were only supposed to be Steve's girlfriend, someone temporary. Just then he thought of a foolproof way to convince you not to go back to the Hydra base."The only way in hell I would let you return to that place is if you took the only other person who has as big of a fucked up mind as you," he said, with a smirk on his face.You looked at him, seriously wondering whether he was playing this game. "Who would that 


Without a moment of hesitation, Tony spoke. "Bucky," Yep. He was definitely playing that game.You shook your head. You couldn't go with Bucky. He hated you. Every interaction you two had ever had together had been poor. Why would Tony want to send you with Bucky, knowing there could be a repeat of what had happened earlier in the day. But wait, Tony would know that would turn you away from wanting this. Of course, you had to accept."Alright. I'll go with him," you put on your best smile and turn to walk out the door. He just looks at you, shocked that you would accept his offer. "I'll start training this week. I'll ask Bucky when a good time to start preparing for the mission is,"

And with that, you closed the door behind you and eagerly walked to Wanda's room.


Knock Knock Knock

"Coming!" You hear Wanda yell as she runs to the door and opens it.

"Oh, Hey Y/N. How are you doing?" She asks with genuine concern lacing her features.

"I'm great. I know that you're about to start training with Widow and I was just wondering if I could tag along sometime this week. I am preparing for a mission to an old Hydra base with Bucky soon; I just need to improve my techniques,"

"You're going on a mission with Bucky?" she asks.

"Yeah, I am. I am hoping to try and recover some of my memories."

"Oh? Okay," She says, nodding. "Well, I was about to say bye to Vision and then meet Natasha in the gym. You can tag along and just watch us today,"


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