What's wrong?

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Enjoying someone else's pain is not what a hero does. Even towards villains and criminals who did nothing but bring unfortunate things to people.

Katsuki is a hero. A hero-in-training to be precise. Yet he thought that seeing the nerd suffer by his own hands would make him happy. Not in a villainy way though. He wanted to see him suffer and cry by his hurtful words, thinking that the boy somewhat deserved it. Not by sending him in a god damn hospital bed.

Despite the dark thought, he didn't feel any pleasure when the younger whimpered in agony. He only wanted him to shut up and stop his painful sobs and plaster that annoying smile on his face instead.

He'd be lying if he said that he didn't panic when the boy leaned his back towards the wall, covering his ears. He'd be lying if he said that his heart didn't skip a beat when the red liquid dripped on the younger's arm.

How weak can this bastard be? Couldn't even handle one explosion. That's what he would normally think. Yet his brain didn't construct any thought at the very moment. That big head of his didn't work like it usually would, and his stupid chest ran like it never did before.

Before he knew it, Aizawa rushed in the nerd's direction and sat in front of him, with recovery girl tailing behind. He uttered a worthless call that the younger didn't acknowledge. Deku just sat there with eyes shut, hands trembling, but was very much conscious although unaware.

Everyone acted as if Katsuki wasn't in the place. The only thing he ever got was the death glares of furious eyes that poke daggers through him.

As soon as the old lady's lips touched Deku's forehead, he went limp and passed out, hands flailing down. The class panicked, few were in the verge of tears. Everything would've gone nuts if Recovery Girl didn't reassure them that the boy is alright. Chaos would surely come crashing down if they were put over the edge.

Bakugou's feet unknowingly halted a step, as if reaching forward for the nerd but stopped midway. He was too occupied by the whole thing that he didn't even notice. And even if he did, he'd rather die than admit it. Admit the concern hidden by his facade.

Aizawa held the young boy in his arms. Despite the small appearance, he came to realize that the boy was actually quite heavy. All those training are ones to blame. His heavy footsteps couldn't be heard as the class' uneasy voices hid them away. With a stern look, he spoke. "I'll deal with you later." He turned his head away and marched to the infirmary.

Katsuki gulped, waiting for the storm to come. He didn't mean it for god's sake. It wasn't his fault that Deku is such a weakling to withstand that explosion. He only meant to scare him. To meet his eyes with the look of fear. All of this wouldn't happen in the first place if he didn't think highly of himself just because of a damn victory.

Still, he couldn't change the fact that he did something wrong. Concealed behind his armor of boldness lies a spark of guilt. He might be strong enough to face death itself, but he somehow can't manage to lower his pride.

The word sorry sounds simple as it's spelled, yet it's one of many things that couldn't escape Bakugou's mouth. And the times he did say it, it was certain that it was a hollow word. No meaning, no feelings. Maybe even in a form of mockery.

Aizawa's quick return was considered unnecessary by him. He was indeed used to getting scolded, being that he was a shameless brat as everyone knows. But he was aware that this time could be a serious matter, and consequences only awaits.

His back straightened as the teacher approached. His eyes stayed glued to the ground beneath him, admiring nothing just to avoid eye contact. Then he heard a deep sigh.

"What am I gonna do with both of you?"

It sounded more like a statement than a question.

Disappointment could be heard in each word he blurted out. And each time he sighed, a heavy feeling dragged the boy down. No one could call it a conversation when Katsuki lacked to give responses.

What else could he say? Yes, causing an injury was completely unintentional, but it all still turned out unaligned to his liking. He couldn't bring himself to state something when all faults pointed at him.

Aizawa's small lecture didn't last long. But a bigger pain in the ass lies ahead as he leads him to the principal's office. God damn it.

Katsuki felt the air lightened as soon as he stepped out of the office. Although the principal looks small and harmless, the whole interaction surely made his skin crawl. He could clearly tell the mouse's passive-aggressive behavior. He's the kind of guy you don't wanna mess with, or rather, mess with his students.

His long-standing lecture with the teacher did wonders to his feet. And now he's walking from the school all the way to the dorms. He could feel the slight pain from his toe to his ankles, and his tight shoes contributed to it.

How worse can his day be? He was fucking suspended for three days. He's not even allowed to use the training grounds at that period of time. What is he supposed to do? Count sheep and shit?

He entered the dorms, twisting the large doorknob. The loud room turned silent as their head turned to him. He was welcomed by awkward greetings.

He openly waited for mean words to come, yet nothing came. The obvious disappointment was visible on sight, but that was the least they did. It wasn't a warm welcome at all.

Katsuki faced the unexpected. To be completely honest, he prefers to be screamed at than be treated silently. Shouting is something he's familiar with. Silence is a different story. But even so, he didn't complain.

He realized that maybe, he deserved a punishment after all.

Katsuki clicked his tongue, walking right past them, disposing of the thought that appeared for a brief moment. He'd rather be isolated in his room than face their obvious dismay.

He planned to take a quick shower, in hopes that the running water would somehow wash his misfortune. It made him feel a bit better, but the unknown feeling still lingers inside. The shirt he put on was a decent one. Not too big but loose enough. Yet the tight feeling in his chest never left as he wished.

He opened his door only to meet a green bush of hair in his line of sight. And as he looked down, he was greeted by a pair of shocked eyes. Katsuki's sweat dripped along with the water from his hair as he clutched the doorknob harder than he should.

He gulped before asking "What are you doing here, shitty nerd?"

Katsuki couldn't help but notice this troubled look on the younger's face. "Uhm... H-hey, Kacchan... I-i'm just gonna give you this and go."

His unwelcome hands held a box of donuts. It was too late to refuse as the boy quickly shifted away with a slight stumble. The urge of wanting to talk with the nerd appeared like it was there all along, hidden in plain sight.

"Oi, Deku."

He called. But the nerd never looked back. The idea of Deku being mad made it kinda unsettling--not that it never happened before. But ignoring him isn't quite Deku-like.

"Oi, nerd. I'm talking to you." He stepped closer right behind Deku.

His hand reached Izuku's wrist and turned his around with not much force. Half of the movement was Izuku himself.

"W-what is it Kacchan?"

"I fucking called you." He seems confused for unknown reasons.

"What are you, deaf?" He asked. Silence greeted him.

Izuku watched the blond's mouth open and close. He couldn't catch a single thing.

Straight up admitting that one of his senses was lost would make it seem like he was throwing the blame on him. He had no idea what to say.

"You see, I... I um..." He had trouble forming words.

"Spit it out."

Izuku bit his lip and muttered a "sorry" before forcing his way out of the blond's grip. Bakugou tried to come after him but the elevator door closed on his face. Damn it.

"What the hell is up to him?" He frowned.  

Silent // BakudekuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz