Chapter 2

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Alex met Kaiden by the door. He smiled at her then held the door open. 

      "Ladies first."

As Alex stepped outside a blast of cold air greeted her. The mind- numbing cold started to seep into her body. She started to shiver even though she was dressed in at least 5 layers and a thick winter coat. 

      "Thanks Kaiden," Alex remarked sarcastically. 

      "What for? "

      "Now I'm tired, sleepy, and frozen!"

As they set off on the path Kaiden turned their conversation to the defeat of Aven. Alex answered his questions warily. Her feelings of unease grew. He knew she wasn't ready to talk about all the death yet, so why was he asking? 

There was something else too, something that was bothering her. She just couldn't figure out what it was. 

When they had reached the forest a sudden realisation washed over Alex. She knew the other part to what was bothering her. Kaiden had been avoiding touching her. Usually when they were walking they at least held hands, but now he was sticking to his side of the path.  He was holding his body in such a way that they won't touch, even accidentally. Alex tried to move closer, Kaiden just moved away. 

Alex stopped in the middle of the path and shot Kaiden an accusationary glare. Just as she opened her mouth to start questioning him someone rushed out of the bushes, struck Kaiden and pushed Alex out of harm's way.

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