A Flight and A New Addition

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           As they walked through the town, they looked for the cheapest inn, and if it was located near an area where they were sure no one was to go, but had decent beds, and food. They came upon The Flipped Boar which was close the western side of Cromso.

           As they entered the inn, Yoshigama dropped into a seat near the far corner of the wall, dropping his head in his hands as he sat down. There was a large hearth with a roaring fire to the right of the entrance, a bar on the furthest wall back, with a stairway leading up to the steadings.

                “It’s all my fault…” he murmured to himself.

                Walking from the bar with four teas in hand “It’s not your fault. No one could’ve saved him from that attack,” Fenrir said pushing the teas in the direction of everyone, and taking a sip of his own.

                “He wouldn’t’ve died if I hadn’t made him buy this damned game,” he said sternly.

                “Well, that’s pretty true, but with how AoA went, and how closely this game was to it, he should've known what could possibly happen,” Souviez said, trying to comfort him.

                Before they could get any further into their conversation, a short, black clad kid walked into the inn, “You guys should look for a new town to stay in. They’re dotted around all these levels. There’ll be a swamp of people looking for you guys, and when one finds you, they all do.”

                Everyone looked at the kid in surprise, “Who are you to be telling us what to do?” asked Yoshigama.
                “Well if you guys want to be able to find any leveling spots and be left alone, I suspect you guys don’t want to be swamped with all the noobies running around in Cormyr,” she said, with a slight rasp.
                Quickly taking her advice, Fenrir hurried over to the bar, and rung for the barkeep. He appeared almost instantly, and Fenrir paid for the teas, and nodding quickly at the rest of his group they rose from their seats and started towards the door.
                “Yes?” Fenrir questioned as he turned around.
                “I think a payment for this warning would suffice. I’m not an infobroker for no reason,” she said, moving her cowl, and revealing a brown scarf stained with what looked like blood, and the palest skin any of them had seen.
                “Yeah, but it’s gotta be cheap since this isn’t really all too important info,” Fenrir replied as he traded five silver over to her. “Oh, you haven’t given us your name. You might be useful in the future.”
                “Lovino Vargras,” she said, and they all turned around, and left The Flipped Boar.
                While they had been traveling through the town, they had spoken of their training tactics, and, no words were needed, for them all the head towards the western gate. As the exited Cromso, they heard voices of players entering the city and wandering around.

                Pulling up his in-game map, Fenrir located Morstrophm, a town just north-west of their current location, about fifteen miles away. Following the trail towards Morstrophm, they walked along without much conversation. Every once in a while Yoshigama would shiver, look towards the sky and whisper ‘Sorry.’
                The town had been in the view for a while, due to the plains the walked upon. The air was dry and humid, and there was no water to be seen in the immediate vicinity of the group. Every now and then, one of them would look back, to make sure that no one was following them.
                When they reached the town three hour later, they went straight to the inn, and bought two rooms for seven gold. After eating a quick meal, they left through the back of the town, and realized that the horizon that they had been staring at, had actually been mountains, with a forest lining it.
                “Well then. That changes our plans a little. Maybe we can find a cave or something.” Souviez said darkly.

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