A Job

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   Leon Kennedy. Former RPD rookie, and now US-STRATCOM member, working under the president. A 27 year old certified badass, currently on his way to an unidentified Spanish town to rescue said president's daughter, Ashley Graham. This mission would prove to be difficult, painful, more difficult, and ultimately determine whether or not Leon would be fit to continue serving the president.

   But Leon's a professional, he knows what he's doing, and he doesn't let anything get in the way of his work. At least, that's what he thought. See, when not known for his incredible ability in terms of exterminating biohazards, he is often seen for his good looks. One would instantly believe that this man would be getting it all the time. I know, that was quite the jump I just made. In reality, though, Leon was far too busy to have time to make real connections with people, let alone hook up with some girl he met in a bar, or some guy he let pick him up off the street.

   There was someone though, that hadn't left Leon's head even when he tried his hardest to let her go. Can you guess?

   Ada Wong.

   That was 6 years ago damn it. The events of Raccoon City had shaken Leon to his core, but he had moved on. Why couldn't he move on from her? He would never see her again though, that was for sure. He can't trust her, anyway. She betrayed him. Right after she kissed him. Who does that?

   "You done daydreaming back there?" One of the policemen who was escorting Leon to the Spanish village quickly drew him out of his own brain.

   "The president's protector doesn't even notice when someone's talking to him." The one in the passenger seat added, unnecessarily in Leon's opinion.

   "Just... going over the plan in my head." Leon said borderline unconvincingly. When he was met with silence, he added,

   "So, are we there?" One of the policemen chuckled,

   "That's what we were trying to tell you, been here for 5 minutes." Leon grimaced, this is what happened when he let Ada into his head. He got out of the car and shut the door behind him, deafening the sounds of the other policemen laughing at his misery.

   "I'm Leon S. Kennedy, I'm in the President's favor. I'm not a fucking kid with braces you can just pick on" Leon continued to mutter to himself as he started walking away from the car. At this point the policeman in the driver's seat had rolled down the window to give Leon a last minute info session, then witnessed his unintelligible mumbling and quickly rolled the window back up. He looked to his side where the other man was sitting,


   Leon pulled his gun from his holster and checked to make sure it was loaded. Get Ada out of your head Kennedy, she's gone, she left, she's probably dead for all you know. Just get the mission done. All of these thoughts and more passed through Leon's head as he walked toward the path that entered the village..


   "Get in, get me a sample of the dominant plagas, and get out, got it? I have no time for playing around, Wong." Ada listened to Wesker give his never ending orders through her PDA, sitting in his little spinning chair, acting like she had any reason to listen to him. But she would, it was a job after all.

   "I'm already on the outskirts of the village, easy to get in... Almost too easy."

   "Keep your guard up, I'll have you removed as soon as you complete the mission. Wesker, out." Her PDA's screen went black and Ada rolled her eyes. So dramatic. She approached the path into the village and sensed an unfamiliar feeling of nerves. She shook her head, it's just a normal mission. Get it done, Wong, Wesker would say. An obvious look of annoyance covered her face when she thought of Wesker again. Walking down the path she soon saw your typical small village set up, with a church set up as the centerpiece. There were a ton of villagers swarming the place. According to her intel, they were all infected.

   "In case of emergencies, always search for higher ground." She muttered to herself and pulled her grappling hook from her holster, immediately using it on the nearest building, far away from the villagers. After a couple jumps across some buildings, she dropped down between two of them. She heard her PDA go off and immediately cursed Wesker for causing her to be found out. That wasn't needed apparently, because shortly after the sound of her PDA was drowned out by gunshots. Gunshots? None of the villagers she saw had guns, or even looked like they could use one.

   Ignoring Wesker's call, she peeked out from behind the building. She saw at least 20 villagers surrounding someone. She couldn't quite make out who it was. Unfortunately she didn't have a lot of time to look, as a villager swung his giant axe at her head. She dodged it, of course, and used her grappling hook to get back to her safe place on top of one of the houses. From there she got a better shot of who was down there fighting the villagers. She looked down and as soon as she saw, her breath hitched.

   "Leon?" She said under her breath. Her PDA rang AGAIN. She exhaled, answering, while still keeping an eye on Leon, who was holding his own in the current moment. He kicked a villager in the stomach, which caused a domino effect of villagers tumbling over each other, Ada felt herself smile, until she heard-

   "Wong. What's the situation? You didn't pick up." Ada cleared her throat and then looked back at Wesker on the screen.

   "Well I didn't get a warm welcome from the villagers here, if that's what you're asking." Wesker looked unimpressed,

   "I'm surrounded. And.. Leon Kennedy is here." This piqued Wesker's interest,

   "He'll get in the way. Take care of him. Got it?" Ada stayed silent, but nodded. She hung up before Wesker had a chance to say another word. After putting away her PDA, she looked back to see that even more villagers began to pile over Leon. This would be her chance to get the hell out of there. Except... She looked over at the giant church bell.


   Considering there were about 30 villagers that wanted to tear him limb from limb, Leon was doing pretty well. He only had a handgun, but he was pretty skilled at taking care of them without it if necessary. He had to admit though, they were starting to pile up and if he stayed here much longer he might actually be overpowered.

   All of the sudden there was the sound of a church bell, and Leon realized the one right behind him had been triggered. The villagers suddenly lost interest in him, and began to file into the church. They were all muttering words in Spanish, and Leon heard one say "Lord Saddler". He looked around,

   "Where's everyone going.. Bingo?" With an exhale, he almost laughed to himself. Then he saw something..? Someone? Out of the corner of his eye. A flash of red. This village was impressively... brown. So naturally it piqued his interest. He analyzed the area, but found nothing. He let out another breath,

   "It couldn't have been... Get your head in the game Leon." 

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