VI. Love Like Ours

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To My Mischievous Love,

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To My Mischievous Love,

I hope this letter finds you well, my love. I write in my new chambers on Alfheim after some days of going over paperwork of events with the monarchy that have happened on this realm regarding the small uprising of nobles that want more power and to be independent from Asgard's rule.

So far, it has proven itself challenging but i know i can handle it now that i have my feet settled and i am prepared for this oncoming battle i know i must win. These nobles that seek out more power are newer nobles, not ones we know from their exchanges with Father. They have only recently been granted land and titles, yet they seek more without acknowledging they have more power than those below them in rank and standing.

I feel it will be tricky but one i am up for. I don't know how they will receive me, but i am willing to not mention my title and just be considered a diplomat from Asgard. I feel leaving out that i am a princess, and one of Asgard at that. They have this mindset that Asgard has not taken care of them as well as they think they should be. So they would rather not have Asgard rule them at all.

They do not understand the power they now possess. Rather makes me angry with these nobles. I know i am young, and my emotions can get the better of me, but i know the power i hold and i do not wish for more. Some days i wish for less. It is a burden most days as you know, my love. These nobles were not born into their titles as many have after generations of cultivating their land and titles, their people. They are cruel with this newfound power and abuse it and then have the audacity to demand for more.

It makes me wish for them to be stripped of their titles all together. Then they can do nothing. But i know that is cruel of me to think about. They earned these titles, they have a right to them now that cannot be abolished.

But i am doing all that i can to help cultivate peace. The monarchs and generational nobles agree that there should be peace and understanding. They know the way things are done, and these newer nobles wish to not understand how things are done. They wish to uproot thousands upon thousands of years of culture.

I could understand that if things were not good on Alfheim, but that is simply not the case. The realm is beautiful and full of magic i have not felt. It is lush with everything people could ask for. The animals here are breathtaking and i have even seen sprites and fairies fly around at night. Mother provided me a few elven magic books to study and learn from while i am here. Father has requested that i be trained in the art of war and improving upon my swordsmanship. I do not mind it, it is at my leisure because my diplomacy work comes first.

I do wish you were with me, my love. You would adore Alfheim and what it has to offer. It is very green. And i know you enjoy learning new magic. I hope that if you can visit at a later time, that i may be able to show you what i have learned and accomplished with my time here in the land of the elves.

Flawless¹|| L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now