Chapter 7

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Date: April 10th, 2021 (Saturday)

In the car, Lauren sat in between Owen and Maddie. They tried to keep her awake so she would go to bed tonight. They just made small talk with her about how school was going. Since Lauren was kind of out of it, she revealed that she didn't finish her homework for one of her classes that she was supposed to turn in on Thursday. That didn't really surprise Owen and Maddie as much as it did Brett. They knew she had trouble turning things in on time to the point she would get letters sent home. Their mom tried her best to make sure Lauren did her homework but sometimes it just wasn't enough.

"Lauren, why didn't you do your homework?" Brett asked her in a serious tone that scared her.

"Oh, Umm because I didn't know how to do it so I was going to ask mom when she got home but she didn't get home until late that night, and then umm I just uh forgot," Lauren said stuttering over her words.

"Why didn't you just ask us for help?" Maddie said looking at her but Lauren avoided eye contact.

"Umm I didn't want to bother you," Lauren said but it came out more like a question.

The truth was she didn't want to ask her siblings for help in fear that they would think she was dumb. Deep down she knew they probably wouldn't think that but a voice in her head kept telling her that they would.

"Lauren I don't believe that is the reasoning but either way you wouldn't have bothered us. We would have helped you," Maddie said.

"Oh and just for the record if you didn't ask us because you think we would have thought you weren't smart just know we wouldn't think that," Owen said.

Lauren turned to Owen with wide eyes. How did he know that was the reasoning? Can he read her mind?

Owen saw her face and smiled at her.

"Well, it looks like I found the reason. Just know I know you better than anyone else. I mean I've lived with you for the past 11 years so I picked up on a few things about how you think and act. But seriously we wouldn't have thought that you weren't smart. Some people just need a little more help than others and there's nothing wrong with that."

Brett pulled into the driveway and Lauren immediately saw their Dad's car and started to get nervous. She really did not want to see this man. Everyone got out of the car and walked into the house.

"Where's my baby sister? I haven't seen her in like 7 hours," Ryan said walking into the living room from the kitchen. He spotted her at the door and ran towards her. He picked her up and spun her around.

Lauren started squealing and laughing. She really did miss Ryan for the past 3 years.

However, the moment was ruined when they heard someone clear their throat behind them. It was their father. Lauren immediately went silent.

"Dinners done. Everyone come into the dining room," Cameron said and turned around to walk back into the dining room.

Lauren was still in Ryan's arms so he just decided to carry her into the room. He set her down in a chair between him and Owen. Nathan and Brett sat across from them. Maddie sat at one end of the table while Cameron sat at the other end.

Everyone started eating. Lauren had only eaten a small bowl of cereal before they left to go to the hospital and had nothing else for the rest of the day, unlike Maddie and Owen who had a sandwich for lunch so she was starving. After about 2 minutes of complete silence, Owen started talking.

"Dad, how are we going to get to school? Neither Maddie nor I can drive yet and our school is about 45 minutes away," Owen asked looking at his dad.

Cameron cleared his throat before saying, "well I'm not going to be able to drive you on most days so you have two options. Either you can change schools and ride the bus with Ryan and Nathan or talk Brett into driving you to and from your current school. I honestly don't care."

"It's up to you three to decide. I don't mind taking you guys to school since it's only about 15 minutes from campus," Brett said.

Lauren looked over at Owen and said," Please can we stay at our current schools. I don't want to change and leave my friends. Plus you know how terrible I am when it comes to change."

Owen nodded at Lauren and then turned to Maddie and asked her, "what do you think we should do?"

"I think we should stay at our current schools. There's only about a month left so it would be dumb to change at the end of the school year and so we also don't have to leave our friends."

"Looks like I will be taking you guys to and from school. Be ready every day by 6:30 am so we can leave," Brett said looking at them.


After dinner, it was only 7 pm so Maddie, Owen, and Lauren went upstairs into the girl's room to hang out before bedtime. Owen and Maddie sat on Maddie's bed while Lauren sat on her own bed.

"How about we watch a tv show on Netflix," Owen suggested.

"I heard that Locke and Key is a really good show," Maddie suggested.

"Ok sure," Lauren said.

Owen grabbed the remote and turned on the show, Locke and Key.

They watched 2 full episodes and it was now almost 9 pm. Owen knew since Lauren didn't get much sleep last night that she needed to go to bed earlier tonight.

"Alright, it's time to go to bed now," Owen said while turning the tv off and getting up from where he was laying next to Maddie.

"No, why can't we just watch one more episode? It was getting good," Lauren said while whining for what felt like the 15th time today to Owen and Maddie.

"Because I know that you are tired and don't even think about denying it. We can continue watching tomorrow but right now you need to go to sleep," Owen said walking to the door.

"Ugh fine," Lauren said while rolling her eyes and getting under her covers.

"Goodnight Lauren and Maddie, I love you guys," Owen said.

"Goodnight, Love you too," They both said back.

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