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Louis was sat on his office chair, suit pressed to perfection and not even a strand of hair out of place. Even if you stared at him for hours, you could have never been able to tell that he, in reality, wanted to cry, eat ice cream, cuddle his cats and then cry some more and call his mum. He didn't want to sign papers or write emails or meet old men who'll stare him up and down. He wanted Harry to stare him up and down, he wanted Harry to genuinely love him and he wanted Harry to not lie. "Sir, Mr Robinson is here," Stephanie informed with a smile, breaking his train of thoughts. "Tell him to come in," he smiled, getting up and fixing his jacket. He wouldn't be sitting for the entire time that he would be in there, he would be walking around flaunting himself. Stupid closet cases. 

"Good morning, Mr Tomlinson," he smiled, shaking Louis' hand. "Good morning, Mr Robinson. Have a seat," he replied, eyes darting to the chair in front of him. "I suppose you already have the papers ready," he fluttered his eyelashes. "Uhm yes I do," the older man stuttered. Score. "But you haven't even seen my presentation? I spent a lot of time making it look pretty, Mr Robinson. It would be such a shame if you didn't see it," he tutted, smirking. The old fool was already wrapped around his finger. "Uh yes of course I'd love to see it, Louis," he smiled. "That's Mr Tomlinson to you," he informed, taking the remote that controlled the slideshow. "Right. Mr Tomlinson," he blushed. Louis 3, old fool 0. He clicked for the first slide, feeling the eyes roaming his lower back and arse. He sighed internally. Well, it was for the greater good.

"Why haven't you gone to the office today?" Robin asked, sitting across from Harry. "Because I wanted a day off. Besides, you aren't retired yet. So what's the problem?" Harry sighed. "You think this is a joke, don't you? You do practically nothing, you never even try to understand business, and seems like the only thing you're good at is sleeping around with random slags," he spat, crossing his legs. "At least I don't cheat on my wife and treat my children like crap," Harry said under his breath. "What was that?" he asked, eyebrow raised. "Oh nothing, was just wondering when I'll be as good of a man and a businessman like you," he sassed, getting up. "You don't get to walk out of a conversation like that, young man! Get back here!" Robin shouted. "See yourself out, father. The door is to the right," Harry sighed, locking the door to his room. He was behind a locked door, nobody could get to him. Nobody could hurt him. He was safe. 

"And that is why you should sign the merger with us, Mr Robinson," Louis finished his presentation. He was pretty sure the man hadn't heard a single word but he did follow through with the procedure. "I have already signed it, Mr Tomlinson," he informed, pushing the file towards. Louis bent down to look at the documents, purposefully arching his back while doing so. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr Robinson," he slid a finger along the edge of the paper. "Now, Mr Tomlinson I have a different proposition for you," he started. "Please do continue," he replied, straightening his back. "Do you think you're free tonight? I can take care of you," he suggested. "Maybe some other time, Mr Robinson. I already have plans for tonight," he informed with a smirk. Mr Robinson's face fell, he was utterly humiliated although Louis had done nothing. "Right. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Tomlinson," he coughed firmly shaking his hand. "Oh no the pleasure was all mine," he smirked, shaking with equal force. As soon as the man was out of earshot, Louis burst out in laughter. He had changed his mind, closet cases were hilarious.

"Good afternoon, my sweet little curly munchkin!" Anne cheered as Harry picked up the phone. "Mum..good afternoon," he sighed, a slight smile forming on his lips. "Baby, I think you already know why I called," she stated, disappointed. "What? Did that bastard I have to call my father fight with you about how you have raised an incompetent son?" he seethed. "Yes, that. Baby, you have to behave a little nicer with him. I know you don't like him, I don't either. But you have to understand you're next in line. You're going to be king one day," she smiled. "And then I will banish him and you will never have to deal with him ever again," he dimpled like he was five and his dad hadn't come to his footie match again. "Yes, my gorgeous, yes. You're going to be king and you'll win against him. He's scared of you, Harry. I know he doesn't show it but he is scared of you. He is scared you'll make a better, more accepting king than him," she informed with a smirk. She was damn proud of the son she had and she had every right to be so. Harry Styles was perfect. "Well he should be because I will break his face in the next time he dares to raise his voice with you," Harry gritted. "Oh honey, it's okay. He didn't raise his voice, just babbled some stuff I didn't bother to listen to," she giggled and Harry chuckled. 

"James, take me to Mum and Dad's place please," Louis smiled, getting in the car. "Of course, Louis," he replied, accelerating the car. He stared out the window, watching the soft drizzle of rain that was almost ever-present in the city of London. 

"Don't wear that, Lou baby. Your stomach sticks out," Oliver tutted, handing him another shirt. "Oh um okay," he agreed but subconsciously he knew he liked what he was wearing better. "There, you look pretty now," he praised, grabbing Louis' bum, kissing his cheek from behind as they both stared at the mirror.  "You'll be there for my graduation this time right? Don't leave like you did ten minutes before my O level graduation," Louis asked, fidgeting with his fingers. "I know. I'm so sorry baby. I promise I'll be there for the whole thing as soon as I finish up some work and then take you out to dinner afterwards. Then we'll have fun after we get back home okay baby?" Oliver smiled. Oliver was well, he was Oliver. He was one of those guys who looked like they walked straight out of a fashion magazine, the guys who were way too good to be true. Tall, blond, green-eyed, perfect tan, impeccable manners, great in bed, and in law school, a year away from inheriting his father's law firm. "I know...it's okay. Just don't do it again," Louis smiled, eyes crinkling. "I could never do that again to a cute little sweet sugar like you," he beamed, kissing Louis' forehead. "Can we get a cat after I graduate?" Louis asked with stars in his eyes as he looked up at the taller man. "No. Baby, they are so much work and you have to feed them and clean their litter boxes and whatnot," Oliver pressed and Louis nodded. Whatever he said was religion. 

"Oli? Babe where are you?" Louis inquired, eyes watering. "At..at a pub," he slurred, he was drunk. "But the ceremony starts in ten minutes!" he cried, tears threatening to fall. "Oh.oh yeah! You're graduating your A levels! Guys! My boyfriend is graduating his A levels!" he cheered. "Have..have fun, Oli," Louis sighed, cutting the call. He had abandoned him and his events and accomplishments for his plans for god knows how many times, Louis had stopped keeping count. 

He sighed, running a hand through his quiffed hair as he shook off those thoughts. He could see the familiar arch of blue flowering climbers that his parents had outside their home, a sort of warm comfort enveloped him. Oliver was in the past and he wasn't some submissive little princess anymore. He was Louis fucking Tomlinson. He was the CEO of Tomlinson Holdings and the weakness of all men and women alike. But he couldn't help but wonder, even if it were an impossible thought if Harry would be different, if Harry would always be there for all his events, all his accomplishments and actually love him for more than just his body and his position in society.  

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