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Louis ran into his room immediately after getting home, no bothering to greet anyone. He shakily dialled Zayn's number, he needed to talk. "Oi, Lou it's been a second since you called! I miss you, you know that right?" Liam cheered. "Lee...I..don't..I," he managed before breaking out in sobs. "Louis? Oh my god. I am coming over with coco pops and a bottle of rosé and Zayn.  Just tell me whom I need to kill," Liam informed, motioning for Zayn to come closer. "Thank..thank you," he cried, throwing himself on the bed, yelling into the pillow. Harry ruined it, ruined it all. He was supposed to just fuck him as many days a week as Louis liked, take care of him afterwards and leave. Not to say he fell in love with him just to hurt him. Fucking lanky bastard. 

"Louis..babe," Zayn whispered, running a hand through his sweaty fringe. "Zaynie," he replied, throwing himself at the raven-haired man. Zayn patted his back as he sat down. "He..he said he loved me..he's lying..Harry Styles..Harry Styles doesn't love," he sobbed, rubbing at his eyes. Zayn grabbed his hands. "Don't do that. Your eyes are gonna get all puffy and red and hurt," he tutted and Louis nodded. "Okay, who's face do I need to break?" Liam asked, walking in with two tubs of ice cream and wine. "The Crown Prince," Zayn sighed, rubbing the sobbing boy's back. "Wait a second, didn't Louis want to castrate him before drowning him in the freezing waters of the Arctic?" Liam asked, setting the food down on the bed. "I..I was sleeping with him for quite a while," he choked. The two other boys nodded in yes. This wasn't the time to needle him with a million questions and ask why he hadn't told them. He must've had a reason. Louis Tomlinson always had a reason. "Babe are you sure he's terrible?" Zayn asked softly. "Zaynie do you not know what the Crown Prince is like? He's gonna be just like Oliver if I let him!" he cried, shaking his head. "Shh it's okay. He's a bastard. You don't have to even see him. He's a terrible horrible person. Do you wanna eat ice cream?" Liam asked in a voice as light as a feather. He might have been boiling with rage at that moment but this was Louis they were talking about. The boy who was as slippery as an eel. "I..I had started to like him...I actually thought he was becoming good..and I actually thought I..silly old me..had changed him," he whimpered, head still buried in the crook of Zayn's neck. "Hey, Zayn? How punishable is it if I actually break that good looking bastard's face?" Liam seethed. "Probably death, Lima," Zayn glared, patting the spot next to him. Liam sat down, opening one of the ice creams and sticking a spoon into it before offering it to Louis who accepted it graciously. Zayn didn't let go of Louis, he would never do that.

Harry was staring at a picture from back when he was nineteen. He was still gorgeous back then, all girls had still wanted to be with him back then. He was so very charming and had no idea what to do with all the charm and smiles unlike now. Now that he thought back on it, maybe he could've done something worthwhile, something that would make him hate himself a little less. Maybe he shouldn't have gone to a different posh club every night to sleep with girls and guys way older than himself. Louis should have met him before he spiralled before he became nothing but a shell of himself. He would've loved the goofy, charming, knew way too many dad jokes for a nineteen-year-old boy that he used to be. The boy that didn't deal with his problems the way the twenty-three-year-old Harry Styles did. Louis Tomlinson would've adored that boy and that boy wouldn't have spiralled like that after finally escaping if he had gotten the comfort he so craved. Maybe it wouldn't have been like this. 

Dusty crept up to him, licking the tears off his face. He was lying on his side, tears streaming down his face. "What did I do wrong? I do love him. I love him so much. I would bring him the moon and all of the stars if he asked me to. I love him so much, Dusty," he cried, burying his face in her fur. She meowed pitifully, licking his face. "I..I love him..so much..I want...I want him to love me back...why won't he love me back? Why won't he see I would do anything for him?" Harry sobbed, nuzzling her tummy. God bless Dusty for not scratching his face off for that. She continued grooming him, comforting him the best she could. His phone rang. It was an unknown number. "You're speaking to the Crown Prince, Harry Styles," he answered the phone curtly. "Oh come on silly. I know who it is," a female voice giggled. "Excuse me, who is this?" he asked, sighing in frustration. "I was wondering if you'd like to spend another night with me," she offered. Harry saw red. "Never in God's name. What made you think you were good enough? Nobody is better than him. You have a lot of fucking nerve to call me like this," he spat before cutting the call. He lay back down, going to nuzzle Dusty again. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Zayn asked while Louis opened the door for them. "Mhm sure. Hundred per cent. I just need a warm shower and a good night's sleep. I'll be as fresh and happy as a daisy tomorrow," he smiled, motioning for them to leave. "Call me if you need anything or just wanna talk okay?" Liam informed, enveloping Louis in a bone-crushing hug. Zayn pulled Louis to him. "I'm serious, Lou. Just a call away. I'll be right at your doorstep," Liam smiled, kissing Louis' forehead before they both said goodbye. Louis broke down as soon as he locked the door. He slid down to the floor, legs spread out as his head hit the wall beside the door. Mary walked up to him, squatting down. "What's wrong, darling?" she asked, wiping away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. "Harry...he..told me he loved me," he cried. "Then what's wrong, lovely?" she asked softly. "That he doesn't know how to love! He's lying to me so he can see me broken...like..like Oliver," he sobbed as Mary hugged him. "Shh it's okay. If you don't like him, then it doesn't matter does it?" she tried to comfort him. "But that's the bloody problem! I do like him..I...I love him. I..just..now he's lying to me and it's all over," he whimpered into the crook of her neck. "Hey now, you don't know if he's lying," she reminded. "I just do okay? Harry Styles doesn't love, he is not capable of it. I doubt if he even has a heart. He's just doing all this so he can break my heart and have a thing to mock me about and laugh at," he snapped before getting up and pacing to his room. Mary didn't follow, the boy was more emotional than she had seen him in all her twenty-five years of working for the Tomlinsons. Louis may have seemed like a social butterfly but that boy was the most closed off person you could've met.

"Harry, darling, how pretty you look, my boy. Just like my pet," she cooed, admiring the silk scarf she had tied into a bow around his neck. "Not..not your boy," he whimpered, trying to cover himself up. "Yes, yes you are my boy. My darling little pet. Look at you, so beautiful," she praised, leading him to a mirror. She pulled his arms away from in front of him, making him stare at his completely nude self spare the scarf around his neck. "Undress me, pet," she instructed, turning around the fifteen-year-old. He followed through with shaky hands. "Now, darling, I think you can go a little faster don't you think?" she laughed in a mocking tone. He sped up his hands, wanting to get this over as soon as possible. "Now, go look in my purse. There are condoms in there," she instructed, going over to sit on the bed. He walked up to her with a blue packet in his hand. "Look at you. You aren't even hard," she tutted, getting down on her knees. Tears streamed down his cheeks as she took him in her mouth. "No..no please stop..please no," he whimpered, trying to pull away but she had an iron grip on his thighs. "No...no aunt..please stop," he sobbed, going numb.

"Stop!" he yelled as he shot up, drenched in sweat. His lungs felt like the air was being drained out of them. "Louis..honey inhaler..first..first drawer," he choked. He felt pathetic as he shakily grabbed the inhaler, breathing in the fumes. Louis wasn't with him. Why would he be? He didn't even believe Harry could love. He rummaged through the drawer for the bottle of pills. He popped two into his dry mouth before gulping them down with water. His head hit a fluffy pillow as he threw himself down on the pillow. Dusty had woken up from his scream too but she curled up against him again, almost as if to let him know she'd never let him go through it alone. Not as long as she was around.

I know the pet thing may come off as a shock but I have read plenty of research that shows that the ones sexually abused in the past have the ways they were abused resurface when they are sexually active later in their lives. Thank you for reading this book. Love you all xx
- Anna 

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