Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

For the first time in my life, I understood the phrase 'fried'.

I woke up in a hazy state, my head pounding and pulsing to the drum of my heartbeat. The room looked like it had lost its balance, was teetering on a seesaw or whirling around on a carousel. I couldn't remember a thing. 

"First hangover's the hardest," a voice said with an easy laugh. I clawed the air for something to grab onto, trying to sit up. Forcing my eyes open, I managed to spot an amused Ken doll before I collapsed back onto the matress.

"Ugh," I groaned, feeling sick to my stomach. "This sucks." 

"So now you'll swear never to drink again, right?" James knew the whole rigmarole and still didn't seem bothered by the hangover of his own I was sure he'd have. 

"I don't really like it here in hell," I mumbled, resting my hand on my forehead. "So nah. I don't think I'll ever try that shit again."

"That's what they all say," he chortled in a sing song voice. I found myself wishing I hadn't had my first drink with the king of all alcohol. He'd already done it all; no way would I be with him next time this happened. And hopefully, it never did.

"You might want to go talk to Star," he suggested. How was he so bright at this ungodly hour? I glanced at the alarm clock, which told me it was not actually as early as I had thought. It was past noon and I had a head pounding like a bitch.

"Ugh... why do I need to talk to Star?"

James laughed unkindly. "You don't remember anything, huh?"

"I can't remember anything past Star saying I'd be better drunk or something."

He grinned as I tried to stand up, staggering onto my feet with a moan. "You have a lot to hear about."

"How can you remember?"

"Practise makes perfect, my friend." 

He stood outside the bathroom door as I splashed water over my face. The cool liquid felt refreshing on my skin, washing away all the slime I was imagining there. But it did nothing to soothe the screaming pain in my temple.

"So tell me what happened."

"Well, obviously, I can't remember every single little detail," he began. I could tell he'd draw this out just to piss me off. My hangover was going to be like another party to him today. "But you downed, like, a quarter of the bottle on your first go. Said the stuff tasted like shit, though."

"I was kinda proving myself," I admitted quietly, hunting for my toothbrush to get the stale taste out of my mouth.

"Well, if anything, you just made yourself look like a fool," James declared. I could hear his goofy smile in his voice. "But no big deal. Star and I already knew you were a dork."

"I didn't do anything crazy, did I?" I asked in horror. Suddenly, terrible ideas were dawning on me, and it scared me to even think about a few of them. James let out a chuckle. 

"Dude, you were a riot. By the time the bottle was empty you'd told me I was, and I quote, 'a fucking douchebag who only ever thinks with his dick'. Thanks, by the way."

"Oh, shit." It wasn't as bad as my mind had tricked me into believing, but it wasn't good either. Luckily, James didn't seem phased by it.

"You were drunk, man. I don't care. You were probably right too. But you said Star and I would make a crap couple."

Jesus Christ. I was one of those honest drunks, I suppose. That wasn't necessarily a good thing either. I squirted the toothpaste along my brush and started scrubbing vigorously, like the minty taste would wash away all the things that I'd said too. 

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