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The only good thing about the end of Christmas break was that Hermione came back. She was disappointed when she learned that we hadn't made any progress with Nicholas Flamel, but it sounded like she had had a lovely time with her parents.

She was also on our backs about studying. We tried to tell her that we still had a long time, but she wouldn't hear it. Luna and I got a little bit of slack because we weren't in Gryffindor so Hermione couldn't be breathing down our necks at all hours of the day. Apparently, while they were studying in the library one day, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had spotted Hagrid acting strangely. Luna and Hermione and I decided to go check it out and when we got down to Hagrid's hut, we realized that he had a dragon egg in the fireplace. We knew he had always wanted a dragon but the fact that he had actually managed to get one was surprising. We tried to convince him to let it go, but he wouldn't have it. When we got back to the castle we told Ron and Harry all about it. Ron came up with the idea that we should send the dragon away to his brother Charlie. Charlie worked with dragons in Romania, which sounded really interesting. The dragon had hatched and was giving Hagrid quite a bit of trouble so he agreed when we told him our plan. Harry and Hermione would take the dragon to the astronomy tower at midnight on Saturday. A few of Charlie's friends would meet them there and take the dragon. Ron couldn't go because the dragon had bitten him. He was worried about going to Madam Pomfrey because he thought she might recognize the bite. Harry had received an invisibility cloak for Christmas so he and Hermione would use that to sneak the dragon away. I wanted to help but they decided it would be easier if it were just them because they were already in the same house and wouldn't have to coordinate meeting up somewhere. All I could do was cross my fingers.

Unfortunately, their task didn't go very well. Draco had found out about the dragon and tipped McGonagall off that students would be sneaking around. Harry, Hermione, and Draco were given detention along with Neville because he had been found out of bed as well. I felt awful for them and Hermione was particularly distraught because she hated disappointing teachers.

The detention turned out to be very eventful. Hagrid had taken them into the Forbidden Forest to look for a unicorn but Harry had stumbled upon something terrifying: A cloaked figure drinking the blood of the unicorn they were searching for. A centaur who lived in the forest had saved Harry from the figure, but Harry told us that when the figure had looked at him, he had felt an awful pain in his scar. We all told him to visit Madam Pomfrey, but he refused and we dropped the matter.

Spring was coming and we were excited. I loved the snow but I was tired of getting soaked every time I walked across the grounds. Harry was getting more and more restless about the thing in the vault. We knew Hagrid knew about it but sometimes it was difficult to get things out of him. Finals were approaching as well and everyone was nervous, except for Hermione who seemed to thrive on the excitement. Once they finally arrived, they went by in a blur. I was actually quite proud of myself and I knew that in most classes I had done well. Snape merely nodded when he saw my potion, but Snape was never one for compliments. McGonagall gave me one of her rare smiles when my mouse transformed perfectly into a very pretty snuffbox. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and I went outside to the first warm day we'd had in months. The sky was blue and the last of the snow had melted from the grass. We were relaxing in the grass when Harry sat up straight.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Luna frowned up at him.

"Well, my scar keeps hurting, and I think it means that danger is coming..."

"Harry! Relax!" Ron groaned and flopped back onto the grass.

"If your scar hurts so much, go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione suggested.

"I'm not sick!" Harry burst out.

"Harry, the stone is safe as long as Dumbledore's around. Anyway, we've never had any proof that someone found out how to get past Fluffy," Luna gave him a reassuring smile.

"If they tried, they'd get their leg ripped off, and Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down," I laughed.

"But don't you think it's strange," Harry got up suddenly and we went with him reluctantly. "That what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket?" He pulled us along in the direction of Hagrid's house. "Lucky they found Hagrid, you think? Why didn't I see it before?"

"Harry, what are you talking about?" Luna tried to get him to stop walking but he brushed her off and kept going. We approached Hagrid, who was sitting outside, shelling peas into a large bowl.

"A'right there you lot?"

"Hi Hagrid," Luna called.

"Hello," we all waved.

"How were the finals? Are ye' done now?" He offered us the peas and we politely refused.

"We're in a hurry, Hagrid," Harry disregarded the question. "You know the night you won Norbert? What did the stranger look like?"

Ron and I exchanged curious looks. We still had no idea what was going on.

"Well, I dunno really," Hagrid replied. "He kept his hood up,"

Harry groaned in frustration. "Well- well, did you mention Hogwarts at all?" He looked as though he were thinking hard. "Did you mention Fluffy?"

Hagrid raised his head to look at Harry. He furrowed his brow. "I-I reckon so, yeah," He shook his head. "He did seem very interested in Fluffy, which is understandable. How many three-headed dogs do you meet? Even around Hogwarts?" He smiled fondly. "I told him that Fluffy was a piece of cake, as long as you know how to calm him. Just play him a bit of music and he goes right to slee- Hey! Where are you lot going?"

Harry had grabbed Luna and Ron by the sleeves and dragged us back to the castle.

"We've got to stop them! Whoever it is, they're going to try to find the stone tonight! Don't you remember that Dumbledore's out today? It's a perfect plan!"

I was starting to understand. "Harry, no one's getting the Stone! McGonagall told us it was too well protected," I tried to reason with him.

"I'm going out tonight and I'm going to try and get the stone before whoever-it-is does first,"

"Absolutely not Harry!" Hermione glared at him. "Do you realize how dangerous that is?

"And it will cost us the House cup if you get caught!" Ron protested.

"I don't care about the bloody House cup Ron!" Harry burst out. "This is the Sorcerer's Stone! I think it's Voldemort who's after it and if he gets it he'd be so powerful we'd all be dead by sunrise,"

This shut us up. Finally, Luna spoke. "Well Harry, if you really want to do this, you know we're going too," We all nodded in unison

"What! No! This is much too dangerous for you," Harry shook his head.

"Harry, if it's too dangerous for us, then it's too dangerous for you," I raised my eyebrows at him. "It's all or nothing,"

Slowly, a smile grew on Harry's face. "Thanks, guys,"

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