Explaining my AU

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Sry, just realized that my AU might be a bit confusing, so I will explain real quick.

Slender and the Operator are separate beings that didn't know the other existed for a bit.

Slender had four proxies: Kate, Masky, Hoodie, and Skully

Masky's real name was Miles
Hoodie's real name was Noah
And Skully's real name was Luke

After a bit, those three died on a mission. Slender still had their ghosts but they couldn't do anything without a body, and they couldn't all just use Kate's bc they couldn't work together that way

So, Slender sent them out to find hosts. That's where Marble Hornets comes in.

The Operator was already spreading the sickness to the group, when Miles possessed Tim, and Noah possessed Brian.

The two tried to get to Jay for Luke, but Tim was too self aware, and wouldn't let Miles stay in control, remaining himself for a while.

Miles even just stopped trying for a bit, bc he started to fall for Jay, and just didn't want to hurt him.
At this time, Noah and Luke started dating.

Alex was with the Operator tho, and was confused on what Noah/Hoodie was doing, and tried to hurt him many times to get him out of the way of the plan.

Alex was not in control of himself at this time, and in fact lost complete control after the Operator tried to attack Amy.

Going back to Amy, in my AU, she never died. The tape cut off when they left the house, but after it cut out, Alex told Amy to get on a bus out of town and get away from him before the Operator could hurt her. And she did.

Then Alex had no control over himself. Around this time was when he killed Sarah and Seth, turning them into ghosts.

Alex killed Jay at the end, which wasn't part of Noah's plan. Miles was very upset that this happened, taking minor control of Tim to get revenge.

Alex was then killed, as well as Brian.

Slender was able to bring Jay Brian back tho, and Luke possessed Jay as Skully.
The three were forced to work for him alongside Kate.
Soon, the three started dating as comfort.

Alex then was resurrected by the Operator, but was given back control. But instead of working for the Operator again, he called Amy to get her back in town. She came back and was very happy he was alive after all that.

The two went on the run tho to keep running from the Operator, moving from house to house to get away.

Jessica on the other hand, never died of course, and had to go on with her life, when she began to get followed by Skully. (I haven't read the comic, bear with me)

Skully stopped tho bc she was getting boring, and nearly killed her many times by Jay had to stop him each time, until Jessica was able to reunite with Amy and Alex, and Luke couldn't find her anymore.

After a bit of time, they were able to kill Slender tho, ending it. The Operator was linked to Slender so he disappeared as well.

The three found Sarah and Seth's ghosts and then reuniting with Amy, Alex, and Jessica.

The group all moved in together after Alex apologized, and they lived safely together.

Alex and Amy soon get married and had three kids named Candy, Kris, and Konnie, Jessica adopted someone named Thalia, and Tim, Jay, and Brian adopted two kids named Penny and Benji.

They all lived peacefully together and are what I call the Marble Parents.

Anyway, questions?

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