Random Dump (Part 2)

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Seth is one of the shortest of the Marble Hornets cast, the actual shortest being Jay. 

This is how Amy's voice is like, and the type of stuff she listens to and sings
Everybody was very shocked when she sang this for karaoke
Alex fricking loves when she sings

Seth, Tim, Amy, and Alex can play guitar.

Amy was in a band with Alex before, but they were kicked bc Alex got in a fight with one of the band members and broke a guitar, and Amy broke the guy's nose.

Sarah and Alex are best friends, and were all each other had since eighth grade.

The only people Sarah can get along with are Alex, Tim, Brian, and Seth.

Sarah and Alex's teachers and classmates when they were younger gave them a lot of shish bc they didn't trust easily. It was very hard to get them to open up and be nicer to them bc nobody was nice to them, so why should they?


Amy appreciation-

-She isnt scared of anything except losing Alex

-She has mostly mommy issues, but her dad did sometimes neglect her

-Was a people pleaser growing up, and hates to admit it

-She thought Jessica might have liked her but didn't want to say anything about it bc she thought she was wrong and didnt want to add to the stereotype of asking a lesbian if they had a crush on you.

-Song-writer and singer!!!!

-Hoodie thief

-Constantly steals Jessica's perfume

-Her mom did not approve of her wanting to do music, but she did not care

-She loves flowers

-Very smart chaotic baby

-Past hobbies included acting, baking, art, and makeup

-She did charity work in highschool

-One of her biggest flaws is that she doesn't think through the stuff she does, and can't read people. She has a hard time understanding whether something she says can hurt someone or not

-She did makeup tutorials for a short while, until she found it boring

-Loses motivation very easily and changes hobbies constantly bc they get boring

-Hasnt had a crush on IRL girls, but is a simp for Catra from She-ra


-Her and Alex argue on who has prettier eyes

-Seth and Jessica were her best friends, and Sarah got jealous of her


*TW: Cigarette mention*
Sarah used to smoke as well with Tim but Brian convinced her to stop.

*Idea from Loser-LikeMe*
Sarah, trying to sleep: ....
Sarah's cat: Meow bish.
Sarah: No.
Seth, bursting into her apartment: EXCUSE ME?
Sarah: Seth-
Seth, hugging Sarah's cat: How dare you tell your cat no! She wants attention, she should get attention!-
Sarah: Seth!-
Seth, dropping cat: Now I want attention!
Sarah: ....
Seth: If that's okay?
Sarah: ...Im not allowed to say no to attention-
Seth: WOO, ATTENTION! *tackles her and hugs her*
Sarah: .....I just wanted sleep

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