Chapter 10

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But heaven knows that that won't last too long,
Maybe some things last forever after all.

* * *

The night a few hours before Iron Man and Iron Monger had a big fight with Ivan Vanko, Rhodey decided to take Robin out for dinner. Although she didn't look like she wants to go out, but after a few persuasion, she finally gave in. She was dressed in a black dress, something that Rhodey rarely sees she's wearing, and, oh my God, she looks so beautiful!

Rhodey noticed how Robin had been so quiet lately, though that's not the main reason why he wanted to take Robin out, but he decided to know what's bothering Robin's mind. She might not talk and nag like Pepper Potts, but when she's quiet, she's quiet and Rhodey can feel the tension between them.

"Robin. Did I do something wrong?" Although she's Pepper's opposite, but it's scarier to have a woman who does less talk and does silent treatment. He's not blaming Robin, but he's bothered as well.


"Because you're not being you lately."

Robin bit her lower lip, battling with her dilemma either to ask Rhodey what's in her mind for three days now or not, but deep down she knows that if she didn't ask now, it will keep bothering her.

"There is something, right? Come on. I've known you for a long time. I know that face."

"Were you serious when you said you wanted to report me to the courts?" Robin watched Rhodey's handsome side profile as he drives. One hand on the steering wheel, meanwhile the other was free on his lap.

Rhodey felt his breath caught in his throat. "Uh--"

"You were serious." Robin raised her eyebrows. "You want to tell me about it?" Robin's voice was soft and calm. That's one of the things why Rhodey fell in love with her, but he also knew that was the calm before the storm.

"I was, but then I knew it was useless to report you."

Robin turned to look outside the window, staring at the trees, street lamps and people that passed by. Rhodey wasn't wrong if he intended to report her to the court. She knew it was the right thing to do, but she something is still bothering her.

"You're mad at me." Robin still doesn't talk.

Rhodey intertwined with Robin's fingers, brought her hand to his lap, squeezing it lightly. "Hey. Look, I did want to report you and I didn't forget when we landed unlike what I claimed in front of the Judge. I remember, but I know you've gone through hell so I dropped it."

"But you didn't discuss with me that you were going to tell that to the Judge," Robin replied quickly. Her voice raised a few pitch as she looked at Rhodey, thought still soft making Rhodey's man's heart hurt for Robin. She hadn't retreat her hand.

Rhodey chuckled lightly. "Is that what bothered you?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask."

"Because I didn't ask? Really? Just because of that?"

Rhodey watched the hurt inside Robin's eyes and this time, he felt Robin pulled her hand, but Rhodey gripped harder.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you that Justin Hammer was hitting on me."

Rhodey was shocked. "Wait-- What?"

"And I guess it doesn't matter because you didn't ask me what Hammer wanted when he--"

"Hammer was--" His sentence was cut when his phone rang with Pepper at the other line. She quickly picked it up, knowing that Pepper won't call unless it's emergency.

ROBIN STARK // iron man 1 a.uМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя