Chapter 5

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Just a t-shirt in the kitchen,
With no make-up and a million,
Other things that I could look at my whole life.

• • •

It was night by the time Robin got home after her courtroom hearing. She was exhausted from it and she's ready to lie down and sleep. Plus, the boxes in her arms tire her muscles. But then she saw Pepper sitting at the bar with her laptop in front of her face and a cup if coffee beside it. Instantly, she reminded Robin about Tony.

"Hey." Pepper turned to look at the incoming voice, sighing as if it was a relief to see the youngest Stark getting home. "Still working?"

"I have a presentation tomorrow with the bosses so I have to finish this by tonight." Pepper took a sip of her coffee. Her voice sounded tired. "How was your hearing?"

Robin put her boxes down on the stool bar in front of her, having Pepper to glance at them. "You're fired? I– I mean–"

"No, it's not like that. It's more like I'm demoted while they work on Tony's tablet to make sure what I said was true," Robin explained in simple sentences, though decided not to tell her about how her allowances being frozen at the same time. Which means she's doing an officer's work without getting paid as an officer.

"That must be hard for you."

Robin shrugged, doesn't want to show Pepper how deep the hurt she's feeling with military punishment. "Where's Tony?"

"Downstairs with Rhodey. Heard that they were discussing about Tony's tablet? A locator? The one you used to locate him and got you into courts." Pepper frowned, barely understand about technology as the Stark siblings do. "By the way, do you by any chance to know about Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division?"

Robin raised her eyebrows. "You memorise those?"

"Yeah, maybe I did." Even Pepper was surprised at herself for remembering them.

Robin chuckled at Pepper. "I'm going to see my brother. Good night, Pepper."

Robin headed downstairs towards Tony's laboratory as Pepper mentioned. They looked as if they were in a deep conversation, talking about politics maybe, but judging the awkward silent that fell between them as soon as Robin entered, and how both of the men looked uncomfortably as if caught of something, Robin knew she was the subject.

"Talking about me?"

Tony was at his seat in front of the neon monitors accompanied by Rhodey with his bum against Tony's table beside him. The look of stress on Rhodey's forehead immediately washed away as soon as he saw Robin. Rhodey stood straight, squared his shoulders as his eyes followed the Lieutenant walking deeper into the lab.

"No. We were talking about a person who stole my tablet and got caught for bringing it into a red zone. Have you ever heard about this person named Robin? Oh, right, that's you."

Robin saw the sharp look in Tony's eyes, telling her that there was no exit for her from having this conversation. The paused between them as Robin took turn glancing at Rhodey and Tony felt heavier on her shoulders.

"You should've seen Pepper when you were lost, Tony." Robin tried to defend herself although she knew she was already lose this argument.

"Don't. Don't involve Pepper in this problem. She's right to be miserable when I was lost because I'm her-- boss." Tony sounded pretty calm despite the rage in his eyes. "How long are you going to keep that from me?"

Robin felt her heart crushed.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

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