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"Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk." ~Susan Scarf Merrell

"To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine!" ~Susan Lendroth

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Kaeya's eyes blink open.

Last night was chaotic. Abyss mages attacked them, Kaeya somehow fought like he had when he was an adult which should happen since he was mentally and physically a child, then Kaeya got burned and the two brothers had a heartfelt moment.

It all went so fast.

Kaeya pushes on the bed which tugs on one of the bandages on his upper arm.

"Ow." In pain Kaeya closes his eyes and looks down.

"Ow!" Kaeya says, trusting his head back. His head hits the wooden headboard of the bed.


Kaeya looks around. He is not in his bedroom.

It was much bigger than the one he spelt with Noelle in. The bed was different. It had pillars on each side of the bed. The room was colored red. Red curtains in the window, a red rug, and red comforter.

Diluc removes his hand from behind Kaeya's head, shaking it lightly. "Would you shut up? Some of us are trying to still sleep."

Now he knew where he was. Last night Kaeya made his brother let him sleep with him. A smile creeps on Kaeya's face.


Diluc, Kaeya and Noelle sit at the dining table eating their breakfast.

"How are your injuries?" Noelle asks.

"They hurt but I can deal with it. If I'm going to be a knight I have to do at least that much." Diluc rolls his eyes at the comment.

Noelle glares at the winery owner. "Well, I think that's nice."

One of the maids, Moco, walks to the head of the table and presents an envelope. "Here's the letter you wanted me to hold for you Master Diluc."

The two knights raise their eyebrows.

Diluc takes the letter nodding for Moco to leave and slides it over to Kaeya. "It's for you. I got it yesterday on my trip to Angel's Share from a peculiar, little girl."

"Ella!" Kaeya says, tearing open the envelope.

'Dear Kaeya,
This is Ella Musk. I told you that I would write everyday and I will. I don't really know what to write to a Pen Pal.
Well, I guess I can start with saying that I'm going over to Dawn Winery tomorrow. My dad agreed to take me. While I'm there I'm planning to go talk to the hilichurls. I can even teach you if you want!
Oh, I think I see Diluc. Talk to you again when I see you tomorrow!
With love,
Ella Musk'

Kaeya puts down the letter.

"What does it say?" Noelle asks.

"Ella's coming here today," Kaeya says. "She wants to go talk to hilichurls with me."

"Hilichurls?" Diluc says making eye contact with his younger brother. "Can people even talk to those beasts?"

"I think I heard about Jacob Musk talking about communicating to hilichurls but I didn't know he succeeded. But shouldn't you be resting?" Noelle adds. "You have 2nd degree burns."

"I'll be fine," Kaeya says, moving his hand in a 'I got this' motion.

"Fine, but you have to put on a shirt. I'm not letting you go outside with one," Noelle demands.

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