Mother Dearest

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A/N: You'll have to excuse me for skipping over so much stuff, but Suzu wouldn't have played such a big role in all of it. That, and I want to get to the time skip as quickly as possible. Note that this takes place in the manga, in which some characters have slightly different appearances than in the anime.


She trained for a good month with Yumi, her skills increasing dramatically, surprising both herself and her new teacher. It was a day before the final test when she saw a familiar face.

"I'm still not sure if I can handle Dosu-san, Yumi-shishō," Suzu admitted as the two walked down the streets of Konoha after having stopped to get some ramen for dinner. "The last time I fought him, I passed out. I can't even remember what happened."

"That was a month ago," Yumi pointed out. "You've improved a lot since then. You can do it, kid."

"You really praise your teaching skills too much," Suzu said. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Uncalled for, Suzu."

"Hey, look!" Suzu said, ignoring Yumi's last comment. Standing across the street were two familiar shinobi whom she hadn't seen in nearly a month. "Kakashi-sensei! Sasuke-kun!"

"Suzu," Kakakshi said in surprise as the young girl approached him.

"I'm really excited about the fights tomorrow," Suzu said, bouncing up and down on her heels. "I've been training like crazy. Though you probably have, too."

"Obviously," Sasuke said, as blunt as ever.

"I missed you, too, Sasuke-kun."

"Well, I'm glad you found someone to train you, Suzu," Kakashi said. "Who did you get to help you?"

"A kunoichi from Takigakure," Suzu said, much to her sensei's surprise.

"What's she doing in Konoha?" Kakashi inquired.

"I think she came to visit a friend, but I guess she's staying now," Suzu guessed. "At least until the exams are over." She quickly turned around, and spotting Yumi, she gestured for the woman to come. She was hesitant but nodded and came over.

"Yumi-san?" Kakashi said, shocked to see the woman he hadn't seen in years.

"Hello, Kakashi-kun," she said with a smile.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Suzu said.

"Yes, we had a mutual friend," Yumi explained. "My, Kakashi-kun, look at you! All grown up and a sensei now."

Kakashi would normally be annoyed to be treated like a child, but he was too confused to care now.

"So how exactly do you two know each other?" Kakashi asked Suzu.

"She's the kunoichi from Takigakure I mentioned," Suzu said. "Duh."

"That's right," Yumi said with a laugh. "It's nice to be back in Konoha, though I do miss Takigakure. I grew up there, after all."

"Yes, that would be difficult, wouldn't it?" Kakashi agreed. "How's your daughter, Yumi-san?"

"She's with her father now."

Kakashi nodded. Death was part of a shinobi's life. They couldn't mourn. Kakashi knew this better than anyone. "I see. I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry to say it."

The brief, solemn silence was cut short when a loud voice cut in.

"Hey! Kāsan!"

The group turned to see a boy around Sasuke and Suzu's age. He was fair-skinned with short, silver-white hair and blue eyes that stared expectantly at them all.

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