"Why would he do this, if Jack was the chief-" Will begins.

"Aye, The Pelegostos have made Jack their chief. But he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief." Gibbs begins.

"So he had no choice. He's a captive there as much as the rest of us." William continues, as I sit myself on the bottom of the stick cage we were locked in.

"Worse, as it turns out. You see, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form. And they intend to do 'im the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison. They'll roast him and eat him." Gibbs continues, the pain in my chest from hearing this, becomes greater with each passing second.

"What about the rest of the crew?" I ask, looking between the two cages, separating the darker crew members from the lighter ones.

That, on its own, was painful, because over the few weeks I had spent with them, I had befriended all of the crew, and they were all wonderful people, with tragic pasts, much like me.

"These cages we're in weren't built 'till after we got here. The feast is about to begin. Jack's life Will end... when the drums stop." Gibbs tells us, taking a sip of his flask which has nothing in it.

"We have to help him, come on. It's Jack." I tell Gibbs and he looks at me, with a pained look in his eyes.

"They got you, didn't they? With The arrows?" He asks, and I look down at my blood soaked gown.

"They did. Which is why I have to save Jack, because if I just lost my baby, then, I don't know what I'll do with myself if I lost him, as well." I answer, and Gibbs nods.

"Well, what are ye fools waiting for? Let's save Jack." Gibbs shouts.

We all run back and forth from the cage, to make it move closer to the mountain side, to the vines.

After a few swings, Will shouts for us to stop, and I look. A cannibal was on the bridge. The other cage of crew members didn't listen, and grabbed a snake instead of a vine and the force of them jumping back causes the rope to break, sending them down the ravine, screaming.

"No-" I whisper, covering my mouth , to silence my cries.

We finally make it to the top of the mountain.

"Pull it loose, find a rock!" William shouts to Jack, and Jack does that, breaking the ropes that bound his hands to the stick, next to the fire.

The cannibals reach us before we could get out of the cage.

"Roll the cage-" He begins, before the cannibals climb the trees.

"Lift the cage." I shout.

"Lift it high like a lady's skirt!" Gibbs instructs, and they do just that. We ran from the cannibals when that didn't work, into a crag, falling our way down. The Cage breaks open from the impact.

"This way, everyone!" Gibbs shouts.

We hide out in a small cave, near the beach, as the cannibals continue their pursuit. The amount of stress and the toxins from the arrow causes me to go nauseous and dizzy.

"Miss Swann, are you alright?" Gibbs asks.

"Yes, just pregnant." I answer, and he nods. He waves at us, signaling that we could make our way to the Pearl.

We make our way to the Pearl, and the crew get to work to get off the island.

"Wait, where's Jack?" I ask, and Gibbs looks at me, a small line forms.

"We can't sit around forever, Anna." He tells me.

"You're right, but we saved him, we can't just leave him to die." I argue.

"Oi!" We hear a familiar voice shout, and look out and there's Jack.

"Cast the lines!" I shout and the crew does it.

"Oi, good doggy. Alas, my children this is the day that you almost-" Jack begins, jumping on the net, as a wave splashes him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow." He continues half heartedly.

He climbs aboard, and looks to Gibbs.

"Let's get some distance between us and this godforsaken island, and head out to the open sea." Gibbs tells Jack.

"Yes, to the first, and yes to the second, but keep in the shallows." Jack tells him.

"Now, that seems contradictory, Captain." Gibbs tells him, and Jack laughs.

" I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Master Gibbs. Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something." Jack tells him.

"Jack." William confronts Jack, and I sit on the barrel behind me.

"Ah. You." Jack answers.

"Elizabeth is in danger." William answers, as Jack moves, aiming for Jack, the monkey that my father left behind.

"Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her. Maybe just lock her up somewhere?" Jack asks, firing a bullet at the monkey, who hissed.

"She is locked up in a prison, bound to hang for helping you." William argues.

" There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes." Jack tells him, smiling at him.

William snatches a sword off of one of the pirates, and pins Jack against a wall, the sword aimed at his throat.

"I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom." Will tells him, and Jack simply moves the sword.

"Mr. Gibbs?" Jack calls out.

"Captain?" Gibbs responds.

"We have a need to travel upriver." Jack tells him.

"By need, do you, mean a trifling need, fleeting, as in, say, a passing fancy?" Gibbs questions.

"No, a resolute and unyielding need." Jack answers, before turning and looking at me, who was still sat on the barrel, watching this all unfold.

"What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste." Will tells him, and he looks away from me, a look of pain in his eyes.

"William... I shall trade you the compass, if you Will help me... to find this." Jack tells him, pulling a drawing of a key out of his pocket.

"You want me to find this." Will questions, pointing to the key on the drawing.

"No. You want you to find this. Because the finding of this, finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle ol' what's her face. Savvy?" Jack explains, his gaze shifting back to me, who was looking out to the waters.

"This is going to save Elizabeth." Will says, questionably.

"How much do you know about Davy Jones?" Jack asks.

"Not much." William answers.

"Yeah, it'll save Elizabeth." Jack answers, before William nods, taking the cloth, and Jack walks over to me.

"Hello, darling." He tells me, and I smile, hearing his voice addressed to me.

"Jack, it's been a while." I tell him, and he nods, chuckling, as he kneels in front of me, examining the wound, where the arrow once was.

"I'm sorry, love, I wouldn't allow this to happen." He tells me, looking between me and my wound.

I nod, sniffling, hoping I didn't lose my baby.

"Hey, hey, it'll be alright." He tells me, grabbing my hand.

"I'll make sure of it. I'm so sorry, love." He tells me, getting up, and leaning over me, kissing the top of my head. 

O, Captain, My Captain| Jack Sparrow #2Where stories live. Discover now