I am a fangirl, I am me

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Hello. I am in all of the following fandoms, DmC:Devil May Cry, Five Nights at Freddie's, Big Hero 6, Adventure Time, Divergent, Black Butler, and Pewdiepie. Having many fandoms can have it's perks, like when you're excited about something happening in one of your fandoms, or when you find amazing fanart of several of your fandoms in one picture and stuff like that.

But, it also has it's downsides like, when a bunch of things are happening ALL at once in ALL of your fandoms, or when fangirls get into fights about which fandom is better and ask you to say which one's better and you're in both of the fandoms that they're fighting about.

But I would like all the fangirls who are reading this to see how much of this they can relate to. And yes, all of the following about me is true,so let's see how much we have in common!

1.) I am the quiet girl in class most of the time.

2.)I have one friend, and she's in most of the fandoms I'm in. You know who you are and you're awesome!!!!

3.) Most of my time is spent on my phone on Pinterest, Flipagram, YouTube, Vine, and all the other good apps and websites!(for fangirling, mostly)

4.)I can spend days eating snacks(nothing specific, just any kind of snacks I love all food!)watching Netflix, YouTube, and writing and reading stories on Wattpad.

5.) This might be irrelevant, but I am a gamer(That's why I love DmC!)

6.) I am not popular. AT ALL. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

7.) Being a fangirl kinda got rid of my social life, I mean I use to have a giant group of friends but then, I will tell you exactly how it happened:

Flashback:Or maybe we could call this how I became a fangirl?

I was at GameStop, and looking for a new video game.

Hmm...what's this?

I took the game off the shelf, it was called "PlayStation All-stars Battle Royale" It was pretty much like Super Smash Bros. with PlayStation characters.

So I bought the game, and went home. The next day, I put the game on. "PLAYSTATION ALL-STARS BATTLE ROYALE!!!!" the announcer-voice-person said as soon as the game came on.

I hit start, did the simple tutorial, and went to character select for the 'battle'. Since it was just me, I first added a CPU. I think it was Kratos from GOW(God of War).

Then, I went to select my character. I was going through them all at first, Fat Princess(Game: Fat Princess), Nariko(Heavenly Sword), Parappa(Parappa the Rapper), Kratos(God of War), Radec(Gears of War), Sly Cooper(Sly Cooper), Ratchet(Ratchet and Clank), Cole(Infamous), Evil Cole(Infamous),Raden(Metal Gear Solid), Nathan Drake(Uncharted), Sackboy(Little Big Planet), Jak(Jak and Daxter), Big Daddy(BioShock), Spike(Ape Escape), Toro(Toro), Hehacci(Tekkan),Sweet Tooth(Twisted Metal)and then,

BAM!!! There was a character named Dante who I chose. He had pretty cool weapons, including guns and a sword. I won the battle, and went back to the menu screen to see the options,

Bios was one of them, so I clicked on it. I went straight to Dante, and it said he was from DmC: Devil May Cry, and that he was a Nephilim, half angel half demon.

He also had twin handguns named Ebony and Ivory, and a sword named Rebellion.

I looked up DmC: Devil May Cry on YouTube and found the trailer. I clicked on it, *social life waves goodbye and jumps out the window* IT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!

I needed to know every thing about this game!I looked up all the cutscenes. I googled all the game weapons and mission names.I knew everything about this game. But there was one thing,

I didn't have the game. I got it though, and I found a girl in one of my classes who also plays that game and we instantly became best friends and she still is my best friend to this day.

End of flashback

So that's it! How much do we have in common? I wrote this to let the fangirls know that they're not alone, and that there's tons of people like them out there.

I used to be really shy, so I had to step out of my comfort zone to ask that girl about DmC, and she became my best and only friend.

So, maybe you should try what I did. And you might end up wishing you had done it sooner.

Remember to,



And follow


A Short StoryTo All The Fellow Fangirls Out ThereWhere stories live. Discover now