Chapter 8

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I saw Jared on my way to my lunch.

"Hey Emily! Wait up!"

"What Jared?"

"Are you mad at me?"


"You sure?"






"Are you sure your sure?"


"Are you sure your sure your sure?"


"Are mad?"

"I wasn't mad! Then you asked me 7 times if I was mad! Well, now I'm mad!"

"Okay, chill. So we still on for later?"


"What?! Why?!" His voice filled with concern and rejection.

"You laughed when Teddy called my brother gay even though I know you know for a fact he's not considering your sister and my brother used to date. I just can't even think about being with someone so insensitive." I said and walked into the cafeteria. I got a pizza and fruit salad. I sat down at my table with Bray and few of my other friends.

"Hey, I heard you talking to Jared in the hall. So your not gonna go out with him?" Bray said.


"I think that's good news to Mr. Bad Boy because I get the strange feeling he was jealous."

"Teddy? Jealous? That's funny. And why call him Mr. Bad Boy?"

"Mr. Bad Boy? I like it. It suits him well."

"I agree." Said a voice from behind me.

"What do you want Teddy?"

He sat next to me and said "Can't I just say hi to my best enemy?"

"After that stunt you pulled? I don't think so."

He flashed me a confused look and said "Huh?"

"Are you that clueless? You said my brother is gay when he's not. Have a nice life Teddy."

He was really confused at this point. "Can I talk to you... alone?"

"No I don't think that would be a good idea. Then again when do you ever have good ideas?" I said sarcastically.

"Go Em." Bray said. That was Teddy's cue to drag me into the hall. I know everyone was watching us.

Once we were alone I said "You know for a guy doesn't want rumors your doing one heck of a job at starting them."

"I thought we resolved this."

"Oh we did. I was acting. You don't want people to know, then we had to go back to hating each other and being good little enemies."

"Oh, I thought you weren't over that."

"I am. You said you didn't mean it. Now, if you'll excuse me I've got to go back." I said walking back towards the Cafeteria.

"Hey Emily?"


"I hate you." He said smiling at me.

"I hate you too." I smiled back. I walked back inside and sat back down and it was dead silent when Teddy walked back in. I whispered to Bray "Why is it so quiet?"

"Are you really that oblivious? It's Ted. Whenever he walks into a room you can hear a pin drop until he says so... you do realize we're violating his rule. When he walks into a room everyone is silent until he says so."

"You do realize I don't care about Teddy and his stupid rule right?"

"Who's talking?" Teddy asked looking for the person who dared to defy him. I swear he acts like a teacher, but worse...much worse.

I stand up even though Bray tells me not to. "Right here." All eyes are now on me, but I'm still looking at Teddy daring him to say something. He smirked. "What? Not gonna say anything about me breaking your stupid little rule Teddy?" I knew he hated it even more when I called him Teddy in front of people he cares about.

"How many times must I tell you Emma? Don't call me Teddy."

"What are you gonna do about it? Hit me? Go ahead. Take your best shot."

"Are you actually giving me the right to hit you? Don't toy with me Summers."

"Go ahead. I give you full permission. Don't expect me not to retaliate if you do though."

"I knew it was to good to be true."

"Aww.. someone afraid?... Everyone you may now and forever not have to obey Teddy's every command. I mean let's be serious. What kinda mutant- my bad, guy- needs a room silenced for him? Only an egotistical airhead. You can now do what you feel." I said sitting down and everyone started talking. Teddy glared at me and I just smiled drumming my fingers on the table.

Emily 1. Teddy 0.

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