Award show

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Michael POV

Tonight is the award show I came with a date honestly it's hard not having people know about my marriage or relationship with prince I respect his decision but people are going to find out anyway I just don't know how long this will last but we're walking inside that's just how I feel it's still 1992

Prince POV

Tonight is the award show I noticed Michael honestly he's been affording me did I do something wrong I hope I didn't I can tell he was deep in thought and had something on his mind

Everyone sat down and the award got started then it was time for the nominations...prince was front row and Michael was on the other side of the building

Once they announced him as the winning he came out with the biggest smile ever and greeted his fans he received his award he thanked the fans for everything etc then he walked off

Prince clapped he knew something was wrong cause he always hides his feelings

Prince POV

There's definitely something wrong with him because he was hiding his feelings he hides it with a smile

Michael Came backstage and performed his old song  THRILLER all the fans went crazy

End Of The Award Show

Michael POV

It's the end of the award show I was getting my picture taken I saw prince

Prince POV

I had a date as well we were getting our taken together as well after Michael ...the feeling is strong something is wrong with him

Michael Came to the car heading home it's been a long night

Prince was in a hurry and said goodbye to everyone even his date to come home to see what was wrong with me he couldn't ignore the feeling anymore


Prince POV

I made it home I heard Michael upstairs so I came to see him

Michael POV

I knew prince was home and I know he would want to know what is wrong with me ...I'm happy with my marriage and relationship with prince don't get me wrong it's been great but how long will this secret go on

Prince: Are you ok

Michael: I'm fine...

Prince: no you're not I can tell if something is wrong with you

Michael: ok

Prince: Just tell me

Michael: how long will this go on

Prince: what

Michael: keeping our marriage and relationship a secret

Prince: I don't know

Michael: prince people are going to find out we can't keep hiding this

Prince: I thought you were ok with it

Michael: I am but now it's starting to bother me

Prince: why you didn't tell me

Michael: because I already know what you're going to say wasn't no point in asking

Prince: I just don't want people to know

Michael: I understand that prince but you know the truth will come out

It turned into a really big argument for them and out of anger prince slapped Michael he then realized what he did

Prince: I'm sorry

Michael cried his eyes out and it made prince feel bad about it

Michael: Don't touch me

Prince: Michael I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you

Michael locked himself in the bathroom and just cried his eyes out while prince knocking on the door it brought back memories to Michael

Michael needed to leave prince tried everything to keep him to stay

Prince: please don't leave I'm sorry(crying)

Michael had a good heart but he couldn't face Prince right now

Michael: I can't face you right now I have to go

Michael walked out prince felt bad about hitting him ...Michael came to his secret hideout to clear his head

Michael POV

I needed to clear my head I needed to be alone this was the first blow out argument that just brought back many memories from my childhood

Prince POV

I didn't mean to hit Michael anger just built up inside me

Michael took a deep breathe he knew prince didn't mean it

Night Time

Prince POV

I was on the couch asleep I heard Michael walking in the door

Michael POV

I came home and it was quiet prince is asleep I just came upstairs

Michael took his shower and was in his thoughts deeply he knew prince didn't mean it...once he was finished doing everything he came to bed and stared at prince for a few minutes then he turned over and went to sleep

Prince woke up and stared at Michael back he really felt bad about everything but he did fell back to sleep

A week later

Prince POV

Michael hasn't spoken to me in a week and it's really killing me that he's not talking to me

Michael POV

I decided that don't want to have a grudge toward prince my heart wouldn't let me stay mad at him

Prince came into the kitchen he wanted to make things right

Michael: I forgive you

Prince: really

Michael: yes

Prince was so relieved and happy that Michael has forgiven him

Michael: and it's ok we don't have to tell anyone( even though it still hurts him)

Prince knew that still hurt him that their relationship

Prince: I don't want to make that mistake if you want to announce it we can

Michael: that's what you wanted

Prince: yes but it's not about me it's your on how you feel and your feelings ...

Michael: if you think we're going to get criticized about it we don't have to do it

Prince: yes but I know how important this is to you

Michael: ok

Prince knew that Michael was right people were going to find out about them so it was time for them to open up

Michael: well I have a interview maybe we can announce it there ...together

Prince: ok(Very Nervous)

Michael: everything will be fine

Prince: ok

They walked out and was going to announce it to the whole world once they did ...they got calls and fans supported their decision and gave them so much Prince had nothing to worry about but least they did it together

They came back home and felt so relieved about it Michael felt a lot better and was happy that prince released his feelings about how he felt about it ...then they came to bed

They were both happy to be accepted as a couple from their fans who will always and forever love them

Next chapter is coming

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