My Love For You

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Prince POV

I don't think I can hide my feelings anymore towards him but it's very difficult and hard for me right now I don't know what to do

Michael POV

I think it's cute that prince has a crush on me even though we have people thinking we hate each other we have respect for each other

Prince was watching videos of Michael on stage he was an incredible dancer on stage but shy in person ...Some people knew about prince being in love with him and some didn't know

There was a knock on the door and he came to answer to see a note on his door

I know your secret you're in love with Michael

Prince became worried of who would know he looked around and didn't see anyone

Sheila called prince and asked when he is going to tell Michael and he didn't know he was so nervous and shy

Sheila: well you won't know until you try you might lose your chance if you don't tell him

Prince: I know I'm just afraid it might get out there

Sheila: I know but that shouldn't bother you if you love someone you have to tell them I think you wouldn't be to happy

Prince: what do you mean

Sheila: Someone else is interested in him and if you don't beat him to it he might take Michael away from you

Prince didn't want that and he became upset he didn't want nobody to have Michael

Prince: if I do this can you help me

Sheila: of course that's what I'm here for am I

Prince: thanks

Sheila: we'll discuss it tomorrow

Prince: ok bye

He ended the call and locked up everything in the house then he came to bed after washing up

Next Morning

Michael POV

It's a beautiful day today Ahh I love nature so much but my family is over I love spending time with them it's the most important thing in the world to spend time with family

Sheila Was helping prince on expressing himself to Michael

Sheila POV

This is going to be a long day I can already tell prince is nervous every since I told him about the news yesterday he was willing to do this and he was serious he didn't want nobody to have Michael

Prince POV

I'm so nervous about this but I was serious about yesterday I didn't want nobody to have Michael but me so I'm willing to do this

Sheila: ok pretend this is Michael

Prince: how can I and there isn't a picture

Sheila: I was getting to that( is that better)

She noticed that his cheeks turned red once he saw Michael picture and she told him to focus

Prince: Sorry

Sheila: we have to work on that

He did loosen up a bit and that really helped

Prince: that was easier than I thought

Sheila: I know now all you have to do is tell the real Michael that without feeling nervous

Prince: I know but that's the hard part

Sheila: I know but you did good

Prince wanted her to leave the picture and he just stared at it as if Michael was staring at him

Michael thought it was cute he was fantasying over the picture

Janet came up to Michael she knew prince liked him and asked what do he think going to happen

Michael: if it happens it just happens

Janet: I know but what about your secret

Michael: I don't know nobody really knows ...but I have a feeling he will find out

Janet: I know just be careful

Michael: am I always

Janet: I know I know don't tell me

They both laughed but Michael was serious about the secret but he knew was to smart he will just have to true his hardest to keep it in

A Week Later

Prince I'm ready to express my feelings to Michael Sheila was so happy

Sheila: So you're going to fly to Los Angeles and tell him

Prince: yes I have to I can't let the other guy get to him

Sheila: then go get him and good luck

Prince: thanks

He packed a bag full of clothes for a week and was leaving his home to fly out to Los Angeles

Michael knew he was coming and he'll be ready for him

24hrs Later

Prince POV

I'm on my way to Michael house I know I can do this the moment I stared at the gate I felt sick to my stomach I have to do this

He opened the gate and walked inside the gate closing behind him he had a lot of animals

Michael knew he was coming

Michael POV

I knew he was coming but I am washing the dishes that's when I seen prince heading towards the door

Prince took a deep breathe and knocked on the door ...that's when Michael opened up the door to see prince standing there

Michael: hi come in

Once prince stepped in he went straight to the point and Michael knew he would do it the moment he walked in the door but Michael did say yes on being in a relationship with him

Prince: but can we keep this between us

Michael: yes of course

Prince: ok

Michael: Feel better

Prince: yea ..thanks

Michael: you're welcome( Michael turned down the other guy before prince even showed up) why are packed

Prince: Cause I came out to tell you I couldn't wait any longer to tell you

Michael: so you packed for a whole week

Prince: did you know

Michael: lucky guess

He went back to washing dishes and prince was so happy that Michael said yes he felt so relieved and happy that the pressure went away

Their anniversary was June 15th 1987 and it was between them but the family already knew it would happen even though in the past he talked about his family

Prince just stared at Michael as he was asleep he couldn't help himself then he fell asleep afterwards

Next chapter is coming

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