Part 19

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May 28, 1:03 am.
Two hours after the collapse.

The sound echoed in his heads, over and over again, but the scream that escaped from Louis' throat made him shake. He shook and cried while his body was being examined, he cried while the doctor spoke, he cried while Liam was hugging him.

Harry was regretting when he let Louis go. He was the only one who knew how bad he was, and he still let him go. Now he was laying with his eyes closed, pale and weak. Harry cried more when he realized that, besides everything, he still looked beautiful, while his body was bleeding and all his strength was being taken, he still looked beautiful.

They won. They killed all of them and they celebrated it. But when Harry looked around, he saw his body, he saw his eyes, he saw the fear. He ran to him, holding his head so he wouldn't gag with the blood in his mouth.

"I'm dying, aren't I?" Louis whispered.

"No, no baby, you're not, look, you're still perfect." Harry cried while he motioned for someone to call an ambulance.

"Don't worry." Louis said, while the pain was consuming him and the moon was illuminating his eyes.

"No, no Louis, look at me, okay? Focus, they're on their way, just try to resist, focus on me, okay?" Harry had begged, while his nose was burning and his throat was staring to close.

And Harry had cried more when, besides the bloody eyes, the broken eyebrow and the blood on his face, Louis still looked at him with that fond look. And Harry cried while Louis closed his eyes, trying to wake him up.

"Louis, please stay with me." He whispered, while the fear and the terror were taking over him. "They're— they're on their way, just please, stay— stay with me, okay?"

"I am with you." Louis said breathlessly.

And Harry cried more, when Louis' eyes shut and never opened again. He cried when the ambulance arrived, and he cried when he saw the hopeless look on their face. He cried during the ride, he cried when he saw Niall breaking down, and he cried when the ambulance stopped.

While they were sitting in the waiting room, Harry thought about how Louis' last words were I am with you, and how he didn't think about telling him. Because Harry needed to tell him that he loved him, he needed Louis to know that before he died. And yes, he cried more when he realized that wasn't possible.


Louis and Niall never fought.

Maybe it was because Niall is not the one to fight with people, maybe it was because it's impossible to stay mad at him, or maybe, it was just because their friendship was based on other things.

When Niall and Louis met, Louis was drunk and Niall was hurt. Louis had alcohol, Niall had a broken heart. Louis told him about his first kill, and Niall told him that he just broke up with his girlfriend. Spending time together became easy, and they became friends. Niall considered Louis one of those people who enjoyed life and every form of it. He never broke down, he was never sad, just an easy person to be around.

So, Niall let himself break. He let himself break for his friend, who was strong and self aware of his weakness and fears but never let them destroy him. He cried seeing his body being checked and he cried when he said goodbye.

Zayn was never the popular one.

His family wasn't rich and he had never felt important in his whole life. He was just sitting and waiting for some miracle to happen. But miracles don't exist, so he became hopeless for his life and his future. That was, until he became an agent. As he learned how to kill and make people suffer, he felt important and powerful.

That's when he met Louis. Him and Zayn were one of the best agents in the department, so, as they started to work out together, they started talking. They started to hang out, Louis introduced Niall to him. Zayn found Louis so cool, he always knew what he was doing.

And that's why Zayn cried. He cried for the boy that was always laughing and never bought the attentions to himself unless he needed someone to talk to. To the boy that was never selfish but liked to joke about the way everyone always talked about him. Zayn cried for his best friend.

Liam and Louis didn't get along at first. When they first got together in the house, Louis was out every night and Liam was working.

So Liam didn't like him. Louis made fun of him and he never worked out, and Liam was jealous because despite that he was always in shape. But then, Louis came home drunk when only Liam was up, and he cried. Louis cried in Liam's shoulder, and Liam felt bad for him. While he told him things that didn't make sense, Liam rubbed his back. Since that event, Liam never looked at Louis the same. He started to go out with him, and they became friends.

But Liam was the boss, Liam was the one to communicate with James and the one to organize the plan. So he didn't cry for his partner. But, Liam and Louis always had a strong friendship that Liam never had with no one, so, he cried for his brother. He loved Louis with his soul, and he knew he wasn't going to be the same without him.

For some weird reason, Harry didn't want the doctors to come out of the room. He didn't want to know anything, he just wanted to be with Louis. While Zayn held him, Harry cried his lungs out until he couldn't breath, his mouth was open because he couldn't breath with his nose. He had cried and prayed the stars and the Gods that he was gonna be okay.

He cried and prayed, but the Gods didn't hear. And when he saw the body covered with a white blanket coming out of the room and being carried away, he knew it was over.

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