danger in confidence

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i'm sorry for how long it took me to update, and sorry if this chapter is crappier than normal

Naruto POV

Naruto taps his foot against the pavement as he waits patiently for the bickering crowd of middle-schoolers in front of him to finally move.

The cars had stopped and the light had turned red, and while Naruto was a god and barely anyone can see him, the people waiting behind him were also getting impatient. Fortunately, the next moment when one of the cars honked, the students looked up and realization came to them, and they straightened up and hurried across the street. Naruto thankfully didn't have to do anything.

He crossed the street behind the group and then turned right, walking down the sidewalk and wandering past random pedestrians, who were busy with their phones or bags to notice anyone besides themselves. Jeez, the humans here are way too distracted.

That's probably part of what made it so easy for phantoms to get into their heads. It's rather easy for humans to get sucked into their own world rather than take advantage of the fact they had others to help them with their problems. Maybe there were certain situations that they were barred allowed to ask for assistance, but, from Naruto's experience, it doesn't hurt to look around and find some relief in their situation.

Naruto crossed a few more streets before he ambled through a park and made his way to Kofuku's place. There was a smell drifting through the air, and when Naruto took a whiff, he realized it was food. So Daikoku was cooking something. He peeked inside, and saw Daikoku in the kitchen, while Kofuku was opening a fresh pack of red bean onigiri.

When she glanced up, purple eyes brightened notably and pinks curls bounced when she waved, "Daikoku! Naru-chan came back!"

There was a thud in the kitchen and then heavy footsteps before Daikoku stormed into the room, throwing a questionably murderous glare at Naruto as he approached. Naruto immediately backed away and held his hands up in front of him, "Oi, oioioi, what're you doing?! Why do you look like you're about to kill me!?"

"Uzumaki-san, ", Daikoku growled, "Are you the one responsible for switching out all the coffee beans with raisins?"

Naruto froze. He considered admitting it was him who did that, because part of a pranksters' glory came from the credit they gained, but that would be a fatal mistake. Daikoku liked coffee. He loved it. Almost like how the agents at T&I did. Almost like he loved cigarettes. 

So no. Naruto would not admit he had switched out his coffee beans for stale raisins. Oh, and did he mention those raisins were 5 years old?

"No", Naruto told him seriously, "I didn't do that. Are you sure you aren't the one who did that?"

Daikoku gritted his teeth and glowered down at Naruto as he towered over him, "Listen here, brat. We haven't bought raisins in years, so if your tryna smart your way out of this, you better think fast and give me a reason not to pummel you right now." He leaned down and threatened Naruto with his face, "And those raisins tasted suspiciously dry, you know."

Naruto puffed his chest and crossed his arms, "Maybe you did have raisins in your cabinets, and you didn't know! Like you just said, if they were that dry, maybe its just that you had leftover raisins in your kitchen and you accidentally put them in with the coffee beans! And now you think all of it is just raisins! You ever think of that, huh?" Naruto was a master liar. There was no way Daikoku wouldn't believe that.

Daikoku gave him a look like he couldn't decide whether he wanted to punch him in the face or grace his words with a reply, which Naruto considered a safe pass and he immediately dashed to the other side of the room and sat next to Kofuku, shamelessly using her as a shield from Daikoku.

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