More trouble than they're worth

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Naruto POV

It's been awhile since then. Since Naruto met the Yatogami. Since he'd entered this new world, filled with gods.

Throughout his time here, he grew accustomed to the way this world worked. He'd learned how the gods worked, that he was a god himself, how he had to survive as a god. He'd also learned how he was created into this world, born from a wish apparently(which he completed uncertainly).

And that apparently the gods were no better than people(most of them anyway).

This world itself had different names for different things. The Near Shore being the land of the living, and the Far Shore being where the dead reside. When dead untainted souls from the Near Shore leave Earth, they go to the Far Shore as spirits; the ones that are touched and filthy never become spirits, instead they become phantoms, things that leech off of negative emotions and tempt people to do bad things. Phantoms are also creatures that like to chase gods, for whatever reason.

There's also another thing about the gods that is extremely important. They are useless without Regalia.

Regalia are basically spirits turned into followers of sort. Where the god presents them of many names for different purposes, and one of the biggest purpose of Regalia is to turn into weapons, weapons that gods can use to defend and kill.

Each and every Regalia is different, their abilities both depend on themselves and their master. Say, a war god has acquired a Regalia that turns into a small knife, but they release that spirit, which is then named by a god of art, and then instead of a knife the Regalia turns into a pencil. The form or abilities depend on the kind of god a Regalia's master is, and in turn the efficiency and trust is depended on the Regalia.

There are also specific Regalia called Blessed Vessels, which only ever happens if a Regalia voluntarily sacrifices themselves for their master in a situation of life or death. The loyalty and trust in that Regalia then transforms them into, what other gods would say, a much more efficient tool than they had ever been. Blessed Vessels are also usually put in the position as a god's exemplar, meaning they are the strongest Regalia of that god and are entrusted with supporting and protecting their master.

There's a whole bunch of things about this world Naruto could go on about, from Izanami to Heaven, but that wasn't what was important.

What was important, was figuring out what he was doing here of all places.

Surrounded by Regalia of all ages and in the courtyard of an unbelievably big mansion, Kurama stood by his side, back arched. That though, was one thing Naruto should probably no definitely explain.

Kurama, it seems, has become a sort of Regalia in this world, and one of the strangest ones. He is a great Regalia with more than one form, yet isn't a Nora. See, Kurama has his human form and his weapon form, and then he has his fox form. Naruto doesn't really mind much but he got a lot of odd looks from the gods.

Anyways, continuing with the very concerning situation Naruto was in.

He was trapped, in Bishoman's manor. How?

Well, the day was a great day. Naruto woke up, had some ramen, killed some phantoms, fulfilled a wish, had some more ramen, and was walking around the city when all of a sudden he was here. Now of course, Naruto has experienced things like this. And what this is, was summoning.

Like Kurama, Naruto was strange among his fellow gods. Very strange, so strange it was a wonder they hadn't kidnapped Naruto and dissected him yet. One of his oddities included the art of summoning.

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