Mai Garakuta

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Mai Garakuta (マイ 雅楽多)

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Mai Garakuta (マイ 雅楽多)

Stephanie from "Ga-ra-ku-ta: Mr Stain on Junk Alley"

Birthday: ... (8 years old)

Star sign: ...

Height: ~123cm

Weight: ~20kg

Favourite food: Donuts

Dislikes: Butterbur sprout*

Facts about her:

- Cousins with Toru Garakuta due to their fathers being brothers

- She is sensitive, timid, and whiny

- She carries her fathers red gloves around with her as a good luck charm when he's away on business

- Her mother runs the only handicraft store in Masuda village and runs knitting classes there in the winter

- Toru learnt to knit there 

*A bitter vegetable often found in miso or pickled and fried as tempura

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