Nichiteru Kuruwaya

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Nichiteru Kuruwaya (日照 曲輪屋)

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Nichiteru Kuruwaya (日照 曲輪屋)

Papi from "Popee the Performer"

Birthday: August 21st (45 years old)

Star sign: Leo

Height: ~165cm

Weight: ~65kg

Favourite food: Lobster and Alien

Dislikes: Frog and Elephant

Facts about him:

- He's the principal of Masuda Village School

- He also seems to have other job positions but the details of them are unknown

- He takes good care of his children, but he often goes out on business trips, bringing back souvenirs with him

- He often worries about his rebellious son Hanabishi, though he thinks its cute that he's so happy with the souvenirs

- He is a laissez-faire* person, but can be strict with discipline and often nags

- His hobby is to be a test subject to his daughters fashion

- Hanabishi runs to Keita's house when he comes home (because he can't bare to see his dad in a nightgown)

*Laissez-faire being the exact translation - simply meaning laid back and unwilling to get too involved in others situations/problems

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