Chapter One

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"Susanne, are you sure about this?" I question, fiddling with the objects on the desk.

"Yes, I am very sure about it Talise. It's already done and remember it's Mrs. Joyner to you when we're in the work place." Susanne lectures.

"Yeah, yeah," I brush off. "It's just that I really believe I can get my designs to the runway on my own, plus Chanel is helping me." I cheese pointing over to my best friend who's sitting pretty with one leg over the other.

Chanel looks up at me and clutches her pearls. "Don't be dragging me into this Talise,  I already told you that my creativity is shot as of right now. A little help from somebody else won't hurt."

"And besides, he's already on his way today. He should be here any minute." Susanne states while glancing at her watch.

"Any minute!?" I shriek, causing Chanel to cover her left ear.

All Susanne can do is laugh at me. I simply pout at her and decide to gather myself before this designer's arrival. I blow out a sigh and adjust my clothes as I pace around Susanne's office.

It's no wonder Chanel and I can never get any work done, we have the potential and the time, we just haven't been wise in using it as of lately. Most days we'd rather spend time in our boss' office just talking about the latest in celebrity drama and the latest fashion—which is ironic considering we're the ones responsible for creating the latest fashion.

I've been in the fashion industry for two years, I started this job fresh out of college. I began as an assistant for my boss, Mrs. Susanne Joyner and over time we grew close to one another. She's helped me throughout the duration of my young career and still does her best to be here for me with her busy schedule. Running one of the many fashion houses in the world isn't a cake walk, as Susanne always stresses.

I've made many bonds here, including that of my best friend, Chanel Cambridge and even her brother, Isaac who I dated at one point. Being that we are no longer together, but still have to work in the same place; I do my best to stay cordial when he comes around me. I really do not have an evil or vengeful bone in my body though, so anything that he may still be upset about is solely on him. I've chosen joy, besides, I wasn't the one caught with one of the models in the boss' office after hours. Which lets one know who told me he was being unfaithful.

I got over it of course, and from there I've focused in on my work, which brings me to my dilemma today. I need a certain amount of pieces designed and created by the end of the month. I have a solid idea of what I want this line of clothing to bring out, but this time around I'm just unsure of how to start. I've spent this entire first week sketching pieces just to end up throwing them away because I don't like them. I'm usually not so hard on myself but being that this is an opportunity for my designs to be in the summer fashion show, I have to make sure they're perfect. Chanel did her absolute best to aid in my struggle but with no progress made, Susanne just had to call in a favor. I appreciate it, I do, but I feel as though I work better with people I've gotten to know. Whomever this person is coming in today, I just hope they're easy to get along with.

"Ladies, would you mind waiting in the conference room for a moment while I sort a few things out? The new designer should be here shortly." Susanne states.

"Absolutely," I say. "Come on, Chanel." I tug at her elbow to aid in her standing up, she brushes off her mini skirt and walks out first. I follow behind her, continuing to fix my appearance.

When in the waiting room I pace around, as I always do when I'm feeling uneasy. Chanel sits, unbothered while looking at her freshly done manicure. I constantly glance out of the large window that displays products and supplies on the other side, otherwise known as the manufacturing room. It sits right in front of Susanne's office so she can keep an eye out and see that work is being done.

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