Chapter 11

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It was surrealistic.

As I constantly wiped my eyes, I watched a blurry Leon enter the airport with two soldiers.

I opened my phone, falling instantly on the message I had sent to Leon.


After dealing with a few things on my own, I decided to move out of the United States.

I know you probably won't read the message right now so I may have left before, but...

Thank you for everything.

My life here has been wonderful, and I'll never forget what you did for me.

And also, please, don't look for me, or even try to contact me ever again if you do it out of pure guilt.

That is the least I can do for you, can I?


I slapped my forehead.

Why did it have to be so... tragic?!

I sighed.

Why did it have to be so tragic, and why did he look at me that way?!

The pressure had been so strong that I didn't realize that I had begun to cry once again, dropping my phone in the process.

What am I going to do, now?

I'm lost in the middle of nowhere, with a fucking suitcase!

"Miss?" A soldier suddenly said as he slowly approached me.

I suddenly turned my head towards him, rubbing furiously my eyes to hide the mess.

"We're bringing the civilians back to town. Can you stand up?"

I gently nodded, still sobbing a bit.

A civilian, right? Before anything else, I'm a civilian. 

A human being.

"Hey, it's okay. You should be proud to have escaped, you know? A lot of people didn't make it out. " He said as he lent me his hand.

"I... Kinda had a feeling the guy I saw wasn't human." I joked as he laughed.

"Maybe you should join us, then. To be honest, we need more brave people like you here."

I smiled lightly.

I don't have the mental strength for it, but I appreciate the compliment.

It was better for me to not answer, as the soldier brought me to a group of citizens, which were just about to sit in the back of a military truck.

As we all installed ourselves, I tried to keep my composure as people around us were crying and screaming in pain.

One of them was a mother, who just had lost her child there.

This is the reason why I can't handle this anymore, I've seen enough suffering for an entire life.

Still, even as my mind was an agitated sea, I felt at peace.

I knew this kind of pressure too well, so I somehow knew how to calm it so I could at least breathe properly.

About an hour later, we arrived at HarvardVille.

Some of the people quickly started to call relatives, and go inside the hotel nearby as I watched the dead silent night unfold upon the city.

It was strange how calm it was, but also a bit reassuring.

A Troubled Past - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now