Chapter 2: Checkup

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"You can call me Mr. Janson, I run this place." The older man, who I now know as Mr. Janson, says from in front of us. He was currently leading us through the facility again, no explanation on where we were headed.

"For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world." As we turn a corner, I notice that most of the workers had their eyes on us, watching our every move. As if they were trying to depict every little thing about us just based on how we look.

"You all should think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes...Watch yourself." Janson's warning catches me off guard as he points up, and I notice nearly a dozen sparks flying down at the group. From next to me, Newt gently takes my arm and leads me away from them. Honestly, I felt a little embarrassed.

"Does that mean you're taking us home?" Thomas wonders, and Janson looks over his shoulder, "A home of sorts." I tilt my head at this, an unsolid answer usually means nothing good.

"Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. How does that sound?" Honestly, that did sound good. But Janson's forbidden voice was already untrustworthy.

Minho then asks, in an uneasy tone, "Why are you helping us?"

"Let's just say," Janson begins, "The world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival." The more Janson spoke about us and how crucial we are to the future of the world, made me realize that his words were giving me deja vu. This feeling was odd, but equally annoying. All I want is a break.

"Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed." Janson then takes out a card from his pocket, swiping it on some sort of small machine which makes the door in front of us slide open.

"Beyond this door, lies the beginning of your new lives." Beyond the door is another long hallway, but thankfully brighter compared to the rest of this place. Janson then fully turns around to face us, crossing his arms against his chest. "First things first, let's do something about that smell."

~ ~ ~

After being separated from the boys, taking a shower for the first time that I can remember, and finally changing into some new, comfortable clothes.

I'm now sitting on a bed surrounded by unclosed curtains, waiting for a doctor. Teresa sat across from me on another bed and was waiting for her doctor as well. I'm surprised that neither of them have shown considering the amount of doctors already in the room.

I looked to my left and found some of the boys, Thomas and Newt were both getting shots, Minho was on a treadmill, and Fry seemed to be having a friendly conversation with his doctor. Just then I noticed movement from the door, and two female doctors were walking side by side, having their own private conversation.

Both doctors shared the same dark skin tone, the same black hair, and the same brown eyes. Now despite these similarities between them, their differences stood out more.

One doctor seemed to be more formal and stringent, she walked straighter and her hair was pulled back into a bun. While the other doctor seemed to be more relaxed and lenient, she occasionally waved to the other doctors while her hair was bouncing in a gorgeous afro.

As the two doctors grew closer to Teresa and I, they finished up their conversation and separated to greet one of us. The doctor with the bun greeted Teresa and the doctor with the afro held her hand out to me.

A Lovers Journey (Newt x Reader ~ Sequel to Him)Where stories live. Discover now