Chapter 1: The Facility

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"How come they're all in French?"

"It's just a precaution, we don't want anyone else having the power that you have." Speaks the masculine voice from behind me.

"But what if someone understands what I'm saying? What would we do then?"

"Well, I doubt that anyone else would have the guts to get as close to the grievers as you do, but if someone were to understand you..."

"What? What would we do?" I turn around to face the man behind me, but his face is somehow blurred out, blocking me from seeing his identity.

"We would kill them."

My eyes quickly open due to the shaking of the helicopter, another gust of wind I'm assuming. Mostly everyone was awake now, except for Teresa, Newt, Thomas, and Winston. All four of them were still sound asleep from the last time I woke up, unfazed by the weather outside.

I wanted to look out one of the windows to see where we were, but I couldn't due to Newt's head resting on my shoulder, and also for the fact that one of his legs was draped over one of mine.

"Minho..." I whisper, and he picks his head up to face me. "Where are we?"

Minho moves his head to look out the window, "I think we're getting close. I see lights."

I use this knowledge and decide to wake up Teresa and Newt, choosing to first wake up the one who was using my body as his bed.

"Newt..." I whisper to him, "Newt..." I whisper again while moving my shoulder a bit. This luckily makes him open his eyes and he finally takes his head off of my shoulder.

"Where are we?" He asks with a deepened voice, allowing his accent to be more prominent. "Minho said that we should be arriving at the place soon, so wake up." I say in a playful tone.

With that, he slowly takes his leg off of mine and violently shakes his head, messing up his hair in the process.

I then look over to Teresa, who was curled up in a ball against the wall of the helicopter. "Teresa..." I whisper while gently shaking her, and she wakes up easier than Newt.

"We're almost at the place, you need to wake up." I tell her, and she nods her head in return while slowly sitting up from her recent position.

I look around the helicopter to see everyone awake now, except for Thomas. No one has even attempted to wake him up, which is understandable considering everything he's done for us.

All of a sudden, the helicopter begins to shake more violently than before, instilling the thought that we were doomed to crash. The rapid shaking and wailing wind didn't help my fear, nor did the pilots who were obviously beginning to struggle with keeping us in the air.

"Alright!" One of them yells, "you all need to hold on tight! This is gonna be a rough landing!"

Immediately, my hand is taken and pulled to someone's side. Newt, of course, and I guess this is our way of holding on tight to something.

"Here we go!" One of the pilots from the front yells, and I brace myself for the rough impact they had previously warned us about. I begin to focus on the movement of the helicopter as we land, attempting to calm my nerves, trying to visualize it as we're lowered more and more to the ground.

Until finally, the last firm shake tells me that we've successfully landed.

"Are you alright?" Newt asks from next to me, and I nod my head while looking towards the pilots of the helicopter, who had turned around to face us all.

A Lovers Journey (Newt x Reader ~ Sequel to Him)Where stories live. Discover now